From 0c76303186d968db89d699d9e512aea9904378bc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: paramat <>
Date: Wed, 5 Oct 2016 01:25:02 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Damage flash: Reduce maximum alpha. Avoid fade overload

Flash alpha maximum is reduced from 180 to 127 to avoid player blindness
in combat. Flash alpha minimum is unchanged.
The 'damage_flash' value is now limited to max alpha, to avoid multiple
hits creating a huge value that causes flash to stay at maximum alpha
for a long period. Now alpha always starts to fade immediately after
taking damage.
Both problems can be seen in Minetest let's play videos.
Simplify and optimise some code.
 src/game.cpp | 13 +++++--------
 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/game.cpp b/src/game.cpp
index 3ba600ed5..1e4464cc4 100644
--- a/src/game.cpp
+++ b/src/game.cpp
@@ -3374,12 +3374,12 @@ void Game::processClientEvents(CameraOrientation *cam, float *damage_flash)
 			//u16 damage = event.player_damage.amount;
 			//infostream<<"Player damage: "<<damage<<std::endl;
-			*damage_flash += 100.0;
-			*damage_flash += 8.0 * event.player_damage.amount;
+			*damage_flash += 95.0 + 3.2 * event.player_damage.amount;
+			*damage_flash = MYMIN(*damage_flash, 127.0);
 			player->hurt_tilt_timer = 1.5;
-			player->hurt_tilt_strength = event.player_damage.amount / 4;
-			player->hurt_tilt_strength = rangelim(player->hurt_tilt_strength, 1.0, 4.0);
+			player->hurt_tilt_strength =
+				rangelim(event.player_damage.amount / 4, 1.0, 4.0);
 			MtEvent *e = new SimpleTriggerEvent("PlayerDamage");
@@ -4285,10 +4285,7 @@ void Game::updateFrame(ProfilerGraph *graph, RunStats *stats,
 		Damage flash
 	if (runData->damage_flash > 0.0) {
-		video::SColor color(std::min(runData->damage_flash, 180.0f),
-				180,
-				0,
-				0);
+		video::SColor color(runData->damage_flash, 180, 0, 0);
 					core::rect<s32>(0, 0, screensize.X, screensize.Y),