diff --git a/builtin/settingtypes.txt b/builtin/settingtypes.txt
index 6412ab4f672e90e9290df7a67b03e3d940804abf..06d4738087f69fb913643e2b0f1167134bc4984d 100644
--- a/builtin/settingtypes.txt
+++ b/builtin/settingtypes.txt
@@ -936,7 +936,7 @@ mgv7_np_cave2 (Mapgen v7 cave2 noise parameters) noise_params 0, 12, (100, 100,
 #    Occasional lakes and hills added to the flat world.
 #    Flags that are not specified in the flag string are not modified from the default.
 #    Flags starting with "no" are used to explicitly disable them.
-mgflat_spflags (Mapgen flat flags) flags nolakes,nohills lakes,hills,nolakes,nohills
+mgflat_spflags (Mapgen flat flags) flags  lakes,hills,,nolakes,nohills
 #    Y of flat ground.
 mgflat_ground_level (Mapgen flat ground level) int 8
diff --git a/minetest.conf.example b/minetest.conf.example
index 806ce62c2a1e414ea8f3892250362a2838804d97..bea9b4ac327f88b04e8b199dde8a2bd4bda9a5f1 100644
--- a/minetest.conf.example
+++ b/minetest.conf.example
@@ -1187,8 +1187,8 @@
 #    Occasional lakes and hills added to the flat world.
 #    Flags that are not specified in the flag string are not modified from the default.
 #    Flags starting with "no" are used to explicitly disable them.
-#    type: flags possible values: lakes, hills, nolakes, nohills
-# mgflat_spflags = nolakes,nohills
+#    type: flags possible values: lakes, hills, , nolakes, nohills
+# mgflat_spflags = 
 #    Y of flat ground.
 #    type: int
diff --git a/src/emerge.cpp b/src/emerge.cpp
index 6d4d84d7fad081ec33f5a816ca5607e5e749a0a7..157be2e64405b1bb5485a94bc7cb01f2a7bfbd09 100644
--- a/src/emerge.cpp
+++ b/src/emerge.cpp
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ MapgenDesc g_reg_mapgens[] = {
 	{"v5",         new MapgenFactoryV5,         true},
 	{"v6",         new MapgenFactoryV6,         true},
 	{"v7",         new MapgenFactoryV7,         true},
-	{"flat",       new MapgenFactoryFlat,       false},
+	{"flat",       new MapgenFactoryFlat,       true},
 	{"fractal",    new MapgenFactoryFractal,    true},
 	{"singlenode", new MapgenFactorySinglenode, false},