diff --git a/builtin/mainmenu/dlg_settings_advanced.lua b/builtin/mainmenu/dlg_settings_advanced.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..35883f05fd76ba9f5e1f48a65b613b3b7dad0436
--- /dev/null
+++ b/builtin/mainmenu/dlg_settings_advanced.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,756 @@
+--Copyright (C) 2015 PilzAdam
+--This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+--it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+--the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
+--(at your option) any later version.
+--This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+--but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+--GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+--You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
+--with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+--51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+local FILENAME = "settingtypes.txt"
+local CHAR_CLASSES = {
+	SPACE = "[%s]",
+	VARIABLE = "[%w_%-%.]",
+	INTEGER = "[+-]?[%d]",
+	FLOAT = "[+-]?[%d%.]",
+	FLAGS = "[%w_%-%.,]",
+-- returns error message, or nil
+local function parse_setting_line(settings, line, read_all, base_level, allow_secure)
+	-- comment
+	local comment = line:match("^#" .. CHAR_CLASSES.SPACE .. "*(.*)$")
+	if comment then
+		if settings.current_comment == "" then
+			settings.current_comment = comment
+		else
+			settings.current_comment = settings.current_comment .. "\n" .. comment
+		end
+		return
+	end
+	-- clear current_comment so only comments directly above a setting are bound to it
+	-- but keep a local reference to it for variables in the current line
+	local current_comment = settings.current_comment
+	settings.current_comment = ""
+	-- empty lines
+	if line:match("^" .. CHAR_CLASSES.SPACE .. "*$") then
+		return
+	end
+	-- category
+	local stars, category = line:match("^%[([%*]*)([^%]]+)%]$")
+	if category then
+		table.insert(settings, {
+			name = category,
+			level = stars:len() + base_level,
+			type = "category",
+		})
+		return
+	end
+	-- settings
+	local first_part, name, readable_name, setting_type = line:match("^"
+			-- this first capture group matches the whole first part,
+			--  so we can later strip it from the rest of the line
+			.. "("
+				.. "([" .. CHAR_CLASSES.VARIABLE .. "+)" -- variable name
+				.. CHAR_CLASSES.SPACE .. "*"
+				.. "%(([^%)]*)%)"  -- readable name
+				.. CHAR_CLASSES.SPACE .. "*"
+				.. "(" .. CHAR_CLASSES.VARIABLE .. "+)" -- type
+				.. CHAR_CLASSES.SPACE .. "*"
+			.. ")")
+	if not first_part then
+		return "Invalid line"
+	end
+	if name:match("secure%.[.]*") and not allow_secure then
+		return "Tried to add \"secure.\" setting"
+	end
+	if readable_name == "" then
+		readable_name = nil
+	end
+	local remaining_line = line:sub(first_part:len() + 1)
+	if setting_type == "int" then
+		local default, min, max = remaining_line:match("^"
+				-- first int is required, the last 2 are optional
+				.. "(" .. CHAR_CLASSES.INTEGER .. "+)" .. CHAR_CLASSES.SPACE .. "*"
+				.. "(" .. CHAR_CLASSES.INTEGER .. "*)" .. CHAR_CLASSES.SPACE .. "*"
+				.. "(" .. CHAR_CLASSES.INTEGER .. "*)"
+				.. "$")
+		if not default or not tonumber(default) then
+			return "Invalid integer setting"
+		end
+		min = tonumber(min)
+		max = tonumber(max)
+		table.insert(settings, {
+			name = name,
+			readable_name = readable_name,
+			type = "int",
+			default = default,
+			min = min,
+			max = max,
+			comment = current_comment,
+		})
+		return
+	end
+	if setting_type == "string" or setting_type == "noise_params"
+			or setting_type == "key" or setting_type == "v3f" then
+		local default = remaining_line:match("^(.*)$")
+		if not default then
+			return "Invalid string setting"
+		end
+		if setting_type == "key" and not read_all then
+			-- ignore key type if read_all is false
+			return
+		end
+		table.insert(settings, {
+			name = name,
+			readable_name = readable_name,
+			type = setting_type,
+			default = default,
+			comment = current_comment,
+		})
+		return
+	end
+	if setting_type == "bool" then
+		if remaining_line ~= "false" and remaining_line ~= "true" then
+			return "Invalid boolean setting"
+		end
+		table.insert(settings, {
+			name = name,
+			readable_name = readable_name,
+			type = "bool",
+			default = remaining_line,
+			comment = current_comment,
+		})
+		return
+	end
+	if setting_type == "float" then
+		local default, min, max = remaining_line:match("^"
+				-- first float is required, the last 2 are optional
+				.. "(" .. CHAR_CLASSES.FLOAT .. "+)" .. CHAR_CLASSES.SPACE .. "?"
+				.. "(" .. CHAR_CLASSES.FLOAT .. "*)" .. CHAR_CLASSES.SPACE .. "?"
+				.. "(" .. CHAR_CLASSES.FLOAT .. "*)"
+				.."$")
+		if not default or not tonumber(default) then
+			return "Invalid float setting"
+		end
+		min = tonumber(min)
+		max = tonumber(max)
+		table.insert(settings, {
+			name = name,
+			readable_name = readable_name,
+			type = "float",
+			default = default,
+			min = min,
+			max = max,
+			comment = current_comment,
+		})
+		return
+	end
+	if setting_type == "enum" then
+		local default, values = remaining_line:match("^"
+				-- first value (default) may be empty (i.e. is optional)
+				.. "(" .. CHAR_CLASSES.VARIABLE .. "*)" .. CHAR_CLASSES.SPACE .. "*"
+				.. "(" .. CHAR_CLASSES.FLAGS .. "+)"
+				.. "$")
+		if not default or values == "" then
+			return "Invalid enum setting"
+		end
+		table.insert(settings, {
+			name = name,
+			readable_name = readable_name,
+			type = "enum",
+			default = default,
+			values = values:split(",", true),
+			comment = current_comment,
+		})
+		return
+	end
+	if setting_type == "path" then
+		local default = remaining_line:match("^(.*)$")
+		if not default then
+			return "Invalid path setting"
+		end
+		table.insert(settings, {
+			name = name,
+			readable_name = readable_name,
+			type = "path",
+			default = default,
+			comment = current_comment,
+		})
+		return
+	end
+	if setting_type == "flags" then
+		local default, possible = remaining_line:match("^"
+				-- first value (default) may be empty (i.e. is optional)
+				-- this is implemented by making the last value optional, and
+				-- swapping them around if it turns out empty.
+				.. "(" .. CHAR_CLASSES.FLAGS .. "+)" .. CHAR_CLASSES.SPACE .. "*"
+				.. "(" .. CHAR_CLASSES.FLAGS .. "*)"
+				.. "$")
+		if not default or not possible then
+			return "Invalid flags setting"
+		end
+		if possible == "" then
+			possible = default
+			default = ""
+		end
+		table.insert(settings, {
+			name = name,
+			readable_name = readable_name,
+			type = "flags",
+			default = default,
+			possible = possible,
+			comment = current_comment,
+		})
+		return
+	end
+	return "Invalid setting type \"" .. setting_type .. "\""
+local function parse_single_file(file, filepath, read_all, result, base_level, allow_secure)
+	-- store this helper variable in the table so it's easier to pass to parse_setting_line()
+	result.current_comment = ""
+	local line = file:read("*line")
+	while line do
+		local error_msg = parse_setting_line(result, line, read_all, base_level, allow_secure)
+		if error_msg then
+			core.log("error", error_msg .. " in " .. filepath .. " \"" .. line .. "\"")
+		end
+		line = file:read("*line")
+	end
+	result.current_comment = nil
+-- read_all: whether to ignore certain setting types for GUI or not
+-- parse_mods: whether to parse settingtypes.txt in mods and games
+local function parse_config_file(read_all, parse_mods)
+	local builtin_path = core.get_builtin_path() .. DIR_DELIM .. FILENAME
+	local file = io.open(builtin_path, "r")
+	local settings = {}
+	if not file then
+		core.log("error", "Can't load " .. FILENAME)
+		return settings
+	end
+	parse_single_file(file, builtin_path, read_all, settings, 0, true)
+	file:close()
+	if parse_mods then
+		-- Parse games
+		local games_category_initialized = false
+		local index = 1
+		local game = gamemgr.get_game(index)
+		while game do
+			local path = game.path .. DIR_DELIM .. FILENAME
+			local file = io.open(path, "r")
+			if file then
+				if not games_category_initialized then
+					local translation = fgettext_ne("Games"), -- not used, but needed for xgettext
+					table.insert(settings, {
+						name = "Games",
+						level = 0,
+						type = "category",
+					})
+					games_category_initialized = true
+				end
+				table.insert(settings, {
+					name = game.name,
+					level = 1,
+					type = "category",
+				})
+				parse_single_file(file, path, read_all, settings, 2, false)
+				file:close()
+			end
+			index = index + 1
+			game = gamemgr.get_game(index)
+		end
+		-- Parse mods
+		local mods_category_initialized = false
+		local mods = {}
+		get_mods(core.get_modpath(), mods)
+		for _, mod in ipairs(mods) do
+			local path = mod.path .. DIR_DELIM .. FILENAME
+			local file = io.open(path, "r")
+			if file then
+				if not mods_category_initialized then
+					local translation = fgettext_ne("Mods"), -- not used, but needed for xgettext
+					table.insert(settings, {
+						name = "Mods",
+						level = 0,
+						type = "category",
+					})
+					mods_category_initialized = true
+				end
+				table.insert(settings, {
+					name = mod.name,
+					level = 1,
+					type = "category",
+				})
+				parse_single_file(file, path, read_all, settings, 2, false)
+				file:close()
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	return settings
+local settings = parse_config_file(false, true)
+local selected_setting = 1
+local function get_current_value(setting)
+	local value = core.setting_get(setting.name)
+	if value == nil then
+		value = setting.default
+	end
+	return value
+local function create_change_setting_formspec(dialogdata)
+	local setting = settings[selected_setting]
+	local formspec = "size[10,5.2,true]" ..
+			"button[5,4.5;2,1;btn_done;" .. fgettext("Save") .. "]" ..
+			"button[3,4.5;2,1;btn_cancel;" .. fgettext("Cancel") .. "]" ..
+			"tablecolumns[color;text]" ..
+			"tableoptions[background=#00000000;highlight=#00000000;border=false]" ..
+			"table[0,0;10,3;info;"
+	if setting.readable_name then
+		formspec = formspec .. "#FFFF00," .. fgettext(setting.readable_name)
+				.. " (" .. core.formspec_escape(setting.name) .. "),"
+	else
+		formspec = formspec .. "#FFFF00," .. core.formspec_escape(setting.name) .. ","
+	end
+	formspec = formspec .. ",,"
+	local comment_text = ""
+	if setting.comment == "" then
+		comment_text = fgettext_ne("(No description of setting given)")
+	else
+		comment_text = fgettext_ne(setting.comment)
+	end
+	for _, comment_line in ipairs(comment_text:split("\n", true)) do
+		formspec = formspec .. "," .. core.formspec_escape(comment_line) .. ","
+	end
+	if setting.type == "flags" then
+		formspec = formspec .. ",,"
+				.. "," .. fgettext("Please enter a comma seperated list of flags.") .. ","
+				.. "," .. fgettext("Possible values are: ")
+				.. core.formspec_escape(setting.possible:gsub(",", ", ")) .. ","
+	elseif setting.type == "noise_params" then
+		formspec = formspec .. ",,"
+				.. "," .. fgettext("Format: <offset>, <scale>, (<spreadX>, <spreadY>, <spreadZ>), <seed>, <octaves>, <persistence>") .. ","
+				.. "," .. fgettext("Optionally the lacunarity can be appended with a leading comma.") .. ","
+	elseif setting.type == "v3f" then
+		formspec = formspec .. ",,"
+				.. "," .. fgettext_ne("Format is 3 numbers separated by commas and inside brackets.") .. ","
+	end
+	formspec = formspec:sub(1, -2) -- remove trailing comma
+	formspec = formspec .. ";1]"
+	if setting.type == "bool" then
+		local selected_index
+		if core.is_yes(get_current_value(setting)) then
+			selected_index = 2
+		else
+			selected_index = 1
+		end
+		formspec = formspec .. "dropdown[0.5,3.5;3,1;dd_setting_value;"
+				.. fgettext("Disabled") .. "," .. fgettext("Enabled") .. ";"
+				.. selected_index .. "]"
+	elseif setting.type == "enum" then
+		local selected_index = 0
+		formspec = formspec .. "dropdown[0.5,3.5;3,1;dd_setting_value;"
+		for index, value in ipairs(setting.values) do
+			-- translating value is not possible, since it's the value
+			--  that we set the setting to
+			formspec = formspec ..  core.formspec_escape(value) .. ","
+			if get_current_value(setting) == value then
+				selected_index = index
+			end
+		end
+		if #setting.values > 0 then
+			formspec = formspec:sub(1, -2) -- remove trailing comma
+		end
+		formspec = formspec .. ";" .. selected_index .. "]"
+	elseif setting.type == "path" then
+		local current_value = dialogdata.selected_path
+		if not current_value then
+			current_value = get_current_value(setting)
+		end
+		formspec = formspec .. "field[0.5,4;7.5,1;te_setting_value;;"
+				.. core.formspec_escape(current_value) .. "]"
+				.. "button[8,3.75;2,1;btn_browser_path;" .. fgettext("Browse") .. "]"
+	else
+		-- TODO: fancy input for float, int, flags, noise_params, v3f
+		local width = 10
+		local text = get_current_value(setting)
+		if dialogdata.error_message then
+			formspec = formspec .. "tablecolumns[color;text]" ..
+			"tableoptions[background=#00000000;highlight=#00000000;border=false]" ..
+			"table[5,3.9;5,0.6;error_message;#FF0000,"
+					.. core.formspec_escape(dialogdata.error_message) .. ";0]"
+			width = 5
+			if dialogdata.entered_text then
+				text = dialogdata.entered_text
+			end
+		end
+		formspec = formspec .. "field[0.5,4;" .. width .. ",1;te_setting_value;;"
+				.. core.formspec_escape(text) .. "]"
+	end
+	return formspec
+local function handle_change_setting_buttons(this, fields)
+	if fields["btn_done"] or fields["key_enter"] then
+		local setting = settings[selected_setting]
+		if setting.type == "bool" then
+			local new_value = fields["dd_setting_value"]
+			-- Note: new_value is the actual (translated) value shown in the dropdown
+			core.setting_setbool(setting.name, new_value == fgettext("Enabled"))
+		elseif setting.type == "enum" then
+			local new_value = fields["dd_setting_value"]
+			core.setting_set(setting.name, new_value)
+		elseif setting.type == "int" then
+			local new_value = tonumber(fields["te_setting_value"])
+			if not new_value or math.floor(new_value) ~= new_value then
+				this.data.error_message = fgettext_ne("Please enter a valid integer.")
+				this.data.entered_text = fields["te_setting_value"]
+				core.update_formspec(this:get_formspec())
+				return true
+			end
+			if setting.min and new_value < setting.min then
+				this.data.error_message = fgettext_ne("The value must be greater than $1.", setting.min)
+				this.data.entered_text = fields["te_setting_value"]
+				core.update_formspec(this:get_formspec())
+				return true
+			end
+			if setting.max and new_value > setting.max then
+				this.data.error_message = fgettext_ne("The value must be lower than $1.", setting.max)
+				this.data.entered_text = fields["te_setting_value"]
+				core.update_formspec(this:get_formspec())
+				return true
+			end
+			core.setting_set(setting.name, new_value)
+		elseif setting.type == "float" then
+			local new_value = tonumber(fields["te_setting_value"])
+			if not new_value then
+				this.data.error_message = fgettext_ne("Please enter a valid number.")
+				this.data.entered_text = fields["te_setting_value"]
+				core.update_formspec(this:get_formspec())
+				return true
+			end
+			core.setting_set(setting.name, new_value)
+		elseif setting.type == "flags" then
+			local new_value = fields["te_setting_value"]
+			for _,value in ipairs(new_value:split(",", true)) do
+				value = value:trim()
+				local possible = "," .. setting.possible .. ","
+				if not possible:find("," .. value .. ",", 0, true) then
+					this.data.error_message = fgettext_ne("\"$1\" is not a valid flag.", value)
+					this.data.entered_text = fields["te_setting_value"]
+					core.update_formspec(this:get_formspec())
+					return true
+				end
+			end
+			core.setting_set(setting.name, new_value)
+		else
+			local new_value = fields["te_setting_value"]
+			core.setting_set(setting.name, new_value)
+		end
+		core.setting_save()
+		this:delete()
+		return true
+	end
+	if fields["btn_cancel"] then
+		this:delete()
+		return true
+	end
+	if fields["btn_browser_path"] then
+		core.show_file_open_dialog("dlg_browse_path", fgettext_ne("Select path"))
+	end
+	if fields["dlg_browse_path_accepted"] then
+		this.data.selected_path = fields["dlg_browse_path_accepted"]
+		core.update_formspec(this:get_formspec())
+	end
+	return false
+local function create_settings_formspec(tabview, name, tabdata)
+	local formspec = "size[12,6.5;true]" ..
+			"tablecolumns[color;tree;text;text]" ..
+			"tableoptions[background=#00000000;border=false]" ..
+			"table[0,0;12,5.5;list_settings;"
+	local current_level = 0
+	for _, entry in ipairs(settings) do
+		local name
+		if not core.setting_getbool("main_menu_technical_settings") and entry.readable_name then
+			name = fgettext_ne(entry.readable_name)
+		else
+			name = entry.name
+		end
+		if entry.type == "category" then
+			current_level = entry.level
+			formspec = formspec .. "#FFFF00," .. current_level .. "," .. fgettext(name) .. ",,"
+		elseif entry.type == "bool" then
+			local value = get_current_value(entry)
+			if core.is_yes(value) then
+				value = fgettext("Enabled")
+			else
+				value = fgettext("Disabled")
+			end
+			formspec = formspec .. "," .. (current_level + 1) .. "," .. core.formspec_escape(name) .. ","
+					.. value .. ","
+		elseif entry.type == "key" then
+			-- ignore key settings, since we have a special dialog for them
+		else
+			formspec = formspec .. "," .. (current_level + 1) .. "," .. core.formspec_escape(name) .. ","
+					.. core.formspec_escape(get_current_value(entry)) .. ","
+		end
+	end
+	if #settings > 0 then
+		formspec = formspec:sub(1, -2) -- remove trailing comma
+	end
+	formspec = formspec .. ";" .. selected_setting .. "]" ..
+			"button[0,6;4,1;btn_back;".. fgettext("< Back to Settings page") .. "]" ..
+			"button[10,6;2,1;btn_edit;" .. fgettext("Edit") .. "]" ..
+			"button[7,6;3,1;btn_restore;" .. fgettext("Restore Default") .. "]" ..
+			"checkbox[0,5.3;cb_tech_settings;" .. fgettext("Show technical names") .. ";"
+					.. dump(core.setting_getbool("main_menu_technical_settings")) .. "]"
+	return formspec
+local function handle_settings_buttons(this, fields, tabname, tabdata)
+	local list_enter = false
+	if fields["list_settings"] then
+		selected_setting = core.get_table_index("list_settings")
+		if  core.explode_table_event(fields["list_settings"]).type == "DCL" then
+			-- Directly toggle booleans
+			local setting = settings[selected_setting]
+			if setting.type == "bool" then
+				local current_value = get_current_value(setting)
+				core.setting_setbool(setting.name, not core.is_yes(current_value))
+				core.setting_save()
+				return true
+			else
+				list_enter = true
+			end
+		else
+			return true
+		end
+	end
+	if fields["btn_edit"] or list_enter then
+		local setting = settings[selected_setting]
+		if setting.type ~= "category" then
+			local edit_dialog = dialog_create("change_setting", create_change_setting_formspec,
+					handle_change_setting_buttons)
+			edit_dialog:set_parent(this)
+			this:hide()
+			edit_dialog:show()
+		end
+		return true
+	end
+	if fields["btn_restore"] then
+		local setting = settings[selected_setting]
+		if setting.type ~= "category" then
+			core.setting_set(setting.name, setting.default)
+			core.setting_save()
+			core.update_formspec(this:get_formspec())
+		end
+		return true
+	end
+	if fields["btn_back"] then
+		this:delete()
+		return true
+	end
+	if fields["cb_tech_settings"] then
+		core.setting_set("main_menu_technical_settings", fields["cb_tech_settings"])
+		core.setting_save()
+		core.update_formspec(this:get_formspec())
+		return true
+	end
+	return false
+function create_adv_settings_dlg()
+	local dlg = dialog_create("settings_advanced",
+				create_settings_formspec,
+				handle_settings_buttons,
+				nil)
+				return dlg
+local function create_minetest_conf_example()
+	local result = "#    This file contains a list of all available settings and their default value for minetest.conf\n" ..
+			"\n" ..
+			"#    By default, all the settings are commented and not functional.\n" ..
+			"#    Uncomment settings by removing the preceding #.\n" ..
+			"\n" ..
+			"#    minetest.conf is read by default from:\n" ..
+			"#    ../minetest.conf\n" ..
+			"#    ../../minetest.conf\n" ..
+			"#    Any other path can be chosen by passing the path as a parameter\n" ..
+			"#    to the program, eg. \"minetest.exe --config ../minetest.conf.example\".\n" ..
+			"\n" ..
+			"#    Further documentation:\n" ..
+			"#    http://wiki.minetest.net/\n" ..
+			"\n"
+	local settings = parse_config_file(true, false)
+	for _, entry in ipairs(settings) do
+		if entry.type == "category" then
+			if entry.level == 0 then
+				result = result .. "#\n# " .. entry.name .. "\n#\n\n"
+			else
+				for i = 1, entry.level do
+					result = result .. "#"
+				end
+				result = result .. "# " .. entry.name .. "\n\n"
+			end
+		else
+			if entry.comment ~= "" then
+				for _, comment_line in ipairs(entry.comment:split("\n", true)) do
+					result = result .."#    " .. comment_line .. "\n"
+				end
+			end
+			result = result .. "#    type: " .. entry.type
+			if entry.min then
+				result = result .. " min: " .. entry.min
+			end
+			if entry.max then
+				result = result .. " max: " .. entry.max
+			end
+			if entry.values then
+				result = result .. " values: " .. table.concat(entry.values, ", ")
+			end
+			if entry.possible then
+				result = result .. " possible values: " .. entry.possible:gsub(",", ", ")
+			end
+			result = result .. "\n"
+			result = result .. "# " .. entry.name .. " = ".. entry.default .. "\n\n"
+		end
+	end
+	return result
+local function create_translation_file()
+	local result = "// This file is automatically generated\n" ..
+			"// It conatins a bunch of fake gettext calls, to tell xgettext about the strings in config files\n" ..
+			"// To update it, refer to the bottom of builtin/mainmenu/tab_settings.lua\n\n" ..
+			"fake_function() {\n"
+	local settings = parse_config_file(true, false)
+	for _, entry in ipairs(settings) do
+		if entry.type == "category" then
+			local name_escaped = entry.name:gsub("\"", "\\\"")
+			result = result .. "\tgettext(\"" .. name_escaped .. "\");\n"
+		else
+			if entry.readable_name then
+				local readable_name_escaped = entry.readable_name:gsub("\"", "\\\"")
+				result = result .. "\tgettext(\"" .. readable_name_escaped .. "\");\n"
+			end
+			if entry.comment ~= "" then
+				local comment_escaped = entry.comment:gsub("\n", "\\n")
+				comment_escaped = comment_escaped:gsub("\"", "\\\"")
+				result = result .. "\tgettext(\"" .. comment_escaped .. "\");\n"
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	result = result .. "}\n"
+	return result
+if false then
+	local file = io.open("minetest.conf.example", "w")
+	if file then
+		file:write(create_minetest_conf_example())
+		file:close()
+	end
+if false then
+	local file = io.open("src/settings_translation_file.cpp", "w")
+	if file then
+		file:write(create_translation_file())
+		file:close()
+	end
diff --git a/builtin/mainmenu/init.lua b/builtin/mainmenu/init.lua
index 176796befcce07eebd0345638fecf0a0eaa42524..69536630dc393b7446b70f9065c20d35a05ce2d8 100644
--- a/builtin/mainmenu/init.lua
+++ b/builtin/mainmenu/init.lua
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ dofile(menupath .. DIR_DELIM .. "dlg_config_world.lua")
 dofile(menupath .. DIR_DELIM .. "tab_credits.lua")
 dofile(menupath .. DIR_DELIM .. "tab_mods.lua")
 dofile(menupath .. DIR_DELIM .. "tab_settings.lua")
+dofile(menupath .. DIR_DELIM .. "dlg_settings_advanced.lua")
 if PLATFORM ~= "Android" then
 	dofile(menupath .. DIR_DELIM .. "dlg_create_world.lua")
 	dofile(menupath .. DIR_DELIM .. "dlg_delete_mod.lua")
diff --git a/builtin/mainmenu/tab_settings.lua b/builtin/mainmenu/tab_settings.lua
index 99138a091b86ae45cdded639e965f098cdaeebe1..dc2bcff140a636a41de63d2821579d77f19c912e 100644
--- a/builtin/mainmenu/tab_settings.lua
+++ b/builtin/mainmenu/tab_settings.lua
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
---Copyright (C) 2015 PilzAdam
+--Copyright (C) 2013 sapier
 --This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 --it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
@@ -15,739 +15,409 @@
 --with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 --51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-local FILENAME = "settingtypes.txt"
-local CHAR_CLASSES = {
-	SPACE = "[%s]",
-	VARIABLE = "[%w_%-%.]",
-	INTEGER = "[+-]?[%d]",
-	FLOAT = "[+-]?[%d%.]",
-	FLAGS = "[%w_%-%.,]",
+local leaves_style_labels = {
+	fgettext("Opaque Leaves"),
+	fgettext("Simple Leaves"),
+	fgettext("Fancy Leaves")
--- returns error message, or nil
-local function parse_setting_line(settings, line, read_all, base_level, allow_secure)
-	-- comment
-	local comment = line:match("^#" .. CHAR_CLASSES.SPACE .. "*(.*)$")
-	if comment then
-		if settings.current_comment == "" then
-			settings.current_comment = comment
-		else
-			settings.current_comment = settings.current_comment .. "\n" .. comment
-		end
-		return
-	end
-	-- clear current_comment so only comments directly above a setting are bound to it
-	-- but keep a local reference to it for variables in the current line
-	local current_comment = settings.current_comment
-	settings.current_comment = ""
-	-- empty lines
-	if line:match("^" .. CHAR_CLASSES.SPACE .. "*$") then
-		return
-	end
+local leaves_style = {
+	{leaves_style_labels[1] .. "," .. leaves_style_labels[2] .. "," .. leaves_style_labels[3]},
+	{"opaque", "simple", "fancy"},
-	-- category
-	local stars, category = line:match("^%[([%*]*)([^%]]+)%]$")
-	if category then
-		table.insert(settings, {
-			name = category,
-			level = stars:len() + base_level,
-			type = "category",
-		})
-		return
-	end
+local dd_filter_labels = {
+	fgettext("No Filter"),
+	fgettext("Bilinear Filter"),
+	fgettext("Trilinear Filter")
-	-- settings
-	local first_part, name, readable_name, setting_type = line:match("^"
-			-- this first capture group matches the whole first part,
-			--  so we can later strip it from the rest of the line
-			.. "("
-				.. "([" .. CHAR_CLASSES.VARIABLE .. "+)" -- variable name
-				.. CHAR_CLASSES.SPACE .. "*"
-				.. "%(([^%)]*)%)"  -- readable name
-				.. CHAR_CLASSES.SPACE .. "*"
-				.. "(" .. CHAR_CLASSES.VARIABLE .. "+)" -- type
-				.. CHAR_CLASSES.SPACE .. "*"
-			.. ")")
+local filters = {
+	{dd_filter_labels[1] .. "," .. dd_filter_labels[2] .. "," .. dd_filter_labels[3]},
+	{"", "bilinear_filter", "trilinear_filter"},
-	if not first_part then
-		return "Invalid line"
-	end
+local dd_mipmap_labels = {
+	fgettext("No Mipmap"),
+	fgettext("Mipmap"),
+	fgettext("Mipmap + Aniso. Filter")
-	if name:match("secure%.[.]*") and not allow_secure then
-		return "Tried to add \"secure.\" setting"
-	end
+local mipmap = {
+	{dd_mipmap_labels[1] .. "," .. dd_mipmap_labels[2] .. "," .. dd_mipmap_labels[3]},
+	{"", "mip_map", "anisotropic_filter"},
-	if readable_name == "" then
-		readable_name = nil
+local function getLeavesStyleSettingIndex()
+	local style = core.setting_get("leaves_style")
+	if (style == leaves_style[2][3]) then
+		return 3
+	elseif (style == leaves_style[2][2]) then
+		return 2
-	local remaining_line = line:sub(first_part:len() + 1)
-	if setting_type == "int" then
-		local default, min, max = remaining_line:match("^"
-				-- first int is required, the last 2 are optional
-				.. "(" .. CHAR_CLASSES.INTEGER .. "+)" .. CHAR_CLASSES.SPACE .. "*"
-				.. "(" .. CHAR_CLASSES.INTEGER .. "*)" .. CHAR_CLASSES.SPACE .. "*"
-				.. "(" .. CHAR_CLASSES.INTEGER .. "*)"
-				.. "$")
+	return 1
-		if not default or not tonumber(default) then
-			return "Invalid integer setting"
-		end
+local dd_antialiasing_labels = {
+	fgettext("None"),
+	fgettext("2x"),
+	fgettext("4x"),
+	fgettext("8x"),
-		min = tonumber(min)
-		max = tonumber(max)
-		table.insert(settings, {
-			name = name,
-			readable_name = readable_name,
-			type = "int",
-			default = default,
-			min = min,
-			max = max,
-			comment = current_comment,
-		})
-		return
-	end
-	if setting_type == "string" or setting_type == "noise_params"
-			or setting_type == "key" or setting_type == "v3f" then
-		local default = remaining_line:match("^(.*)$")
-		if not default then
-			return "Invalid string setting"
-		end
-		if setting_type == "key" and not read_all then
-			-- ignore key type if read_all is false
-			return
-		end
+local antialiasing = {
+	{dd_antialiasing_labels[1] .. "," .. dd_antialiasing_labels[2] .. "," ..
+		dd_antialiasing_labels[3] .. "," .. dd_antialiasing_labels[4]},
+	{"0", "2", "4", "8"}
-		table.insert(settings, {
-			name = name,
-			readable_name = readable_name,
-			type = setting_type,
-			default = default,
-			comment = current_comment,
-		})
-		return
+local function getFilterSettingIndex()
+	if (core.setting_get(filters[2][3]) == "true") then
+		return 3
+	if (core.setting_get(filters[2][3]) == "false" and core.setting_get(filters[2][2]) == "true") then
+		return 2
+	end
+	return 1
-	if setting_type == "bool" then
-		if remaining_line ~= "false" and remaining_line ~= "true" then
-			return "Invalid boolean setting"
-		end
+local function getMipmapSettingIndex()
+	if (core.setting_get(mipmap[2][3]) == "true") then
+		return 3
+	end
+	if (core.setting_get(mipmap[2][3]) == "false" and core.setting_get(mipmap[2][2]) == "true") then
+		return 2
+	end
+	return 1
-		table.insert(settings, {
-			name = name,
-			readable_name = readable_name,
-			type = "bool",
-			default = remaining_line,
-			comment = current_comment,
-		})
-		return
-	end
-	if setting_type == "float" then
-		local default, min, max = remaining_line:match("^"
-				-- first float is required, the last 2 are optional
-				.. "(" .. CHAR_CLASSES.FLOAT .. "+)" .. CHAR_CLASSES.SPACE .. "*"
-				.. "(" .. CHAR_CLASSES.FLOAT .. "*)" .. CHAR_CLASSES.SPACE .. "*"
-				.. "(" .. CHAR_CLASSES.FLOAT .. "*)"
-				.."$")
-		if not default or not tonumber(default) then
-			return "Invalid float setting"
+local function getAntialiasingSettingIndex()
+	local antialiasing_setting = core.setting_get("fsaa")
+	for i = 1, #(antialiasing[2]) do
+		if antialiasing_setting == antialiasing[2][i] then
+			return i
+	end
+	return 1
-		min = tonumber(min)
-		max = tonumber(max)
-		table.insert(settings, {
-			name = name,
-			readable_name = readable_name,
-			type = "float",
-			default = default,
-			min = min,
-			max = max,
-			comment = current_comment,
-		})
-		return
-	end
-	if setting_type == "enum" then
-		local default, values = remaining_line:match("^"
-				-- first value (default) may be empty (i.e. is optional)
-				.. "(" .. CHAR_CLASSES.VARIABLE .. "*)" .. CHAR_CLASSES.SPACE .. "*"
-				.. "(" .. CHAR_CLASSES.FLAGS .. "+)"
-				.. "$")
-		if not default or values == "" then
-			return "Invalid enum setting"
+local function antialiasing_fname_to_name(fname)
+	for i = 1, #(dd_antialiasing_labels) do
+		if fname == dd_antialiasing_labels[i] then
+			return antialiasing[2][i]
-		table.insert(settings, {
-			name = name,
-			readable_name = readable_name,
-			type = "enum",
-			default = default,
-			values = values:split(",", true),
-			comment = current_comment,
-		})
-		return
+	return 0
-	if setting_type == "path" then
-		local default = remaining_line:match("^(.*)$")
+local function dlg_confirm_reset_formspec(data)
+	local retval =
+		"size[8,3]" ..
+		"label[1,1;" .. fgettext("Are you sure to reset your singleplayer world?") .. "]" ..
+		"button[1,2;2.6,0.5;dlg_reset_singleplayer_confirm;" ..
+				fgettext("Yes") .. "]" ..
+		"button[4,2;2.8,0.5;dlg_reset_singleplayer_cancel;" ..
+				fgettext("No!!!") .. "]"
+	return retval
-		if not default then
-			return "Invalid path setting"
-		end
+local function dlg_confirm_reset_btnhandler(this, fields, dialogdata)
-		table.insert(settings, {
-			name = name,
-			readable_name = readable_name,
-			type = "path",
-			default = default,
-			comment = current_comment,
-		})
-		return
-	end
-	if setting_type == "flags" then
-		local default, possible = remaining_line:match("^"
-				-- first value (default) may be empty (i.e. is optional)
-				-- this is implemented by making the last value optional, and
-				-- swapping them around if it turns out empty.
-				.. "(" .. CHAR_CLASSES.FLAGS .. "+)" .. CHAR_CLASSES.SPACE .. "*"
-				.. "(" .. CHAR_CLASSES.FLAGS .. "*)"
-				.. "$")
-		if not default or not possible then
-			return "Invalid flags setting"
-		end
+	if fields["dlg_reset_singleplayer_confirm"] ~= nil then
+		local worldlist = core.get_worlds()
+		local found_singleplayerworld = false
-		if possible == "" then
-			possible = default
-			default = ""
+		for i = 1, #worldlist, 1 do
+			if worldlist[i].name == "singleplayerworld" then
+				found_singleplayerworld = true
+				gamedata.worldindex = i
+			end
-		table.insert(settings, {
-			name = name,
-			readable_name = readable_name,
-			type = "flags",
-			default = default,
-			possible = possible,
-			comment = current_comment,
-		})
-		return
-	end
-	return "Invalid setting type \"" .. setting_type .. "\""
-local function parse_single_file(file, filepath, read_all, result, base_level, allow_secure)
-	-- store this helper variable in the table so it's easier to pass to parse_setting_line()
-	result.current_comment = ""
-	local line = file:read("*line")
-	while line do
-		local error_msg = parse_setting_line(result, line, read_all, base_level, allow_secure)
-		if error_msg then
-			core.log("error", error_msg .. " in " .. filepath .. " \"" .. line .. "\"")
+		if found_singleplayerworld then
+			core.delete_world(gamedata.worldindex)
-		line = file:read("*line")
-	end
-	result.current_comment = nil
+		core.create_world("singleplayerworld", 1)
--- read_all: whether to ignore certain setting types for GUI or not
--- parse_mods: whether to parse settingtypes.txt in mods and games
-local function parse_config_file(read_all, parse_mods)
-	local builtin_path = core.get_builtin_path() .. DIR_DELIM .. FILENAME
-	local file = io.open(builtin_path, "r")
-	local settings = {}
-	if not file then
-		core.log("error", "Can't load " .. FILENAME)
-		return settings
-	end
-	parse_single_file(file, builtin_path, read_all, settings, 0, true)
-	file:close()
-	if parse_mods then
-		-- Parse games
-		local games_category_initialized = false
-		local index = 1
-		local game = gamemgr.get_game(index)
-		while game do
-			local path = game.path .. DIR_DELIM .. FILENAME
-			local file = io.open(path, "r")
-			if file then
-				if not games_category_initialized then
-					local translation = fgettext_ne("Games"), -- not used, but needed for xgettext
-					table.insert(settings, {
-						name = "Games",
-						level = 0,
-						type = "category",
-					})
-					games_category_initialized = true
-				end
-				table.insert(settings, {
-					name = game.name,
-					level = 1,
-					type = "category",
-				})
-				parse_single_file(file, path, read_all, settings, 2, false)
-				file:close()
-			end
+		worldlist = core.get_worlds()
-			index = index + 1
-			game = gamemgr.get_game(index)
-		end
+		found_singleplayerworld = false
-		-- Parse mods
-		local mods_category_initialized = false
-		local mods = {}
-		get_mods(core.get_modpath(), mods)
-		for _, mod in ipairs(mods) do
-			local path = mod.path .. DIR_DELIM .. FILENAME
-			local file = io.open(path, "r")
-			if file then
-				if not mods_category_initialized then
-					local translation = fgettext_ne("Mods"), -- not used, but needed for xgettext
-					table.insert(settings, {
-						name = "Mods",
-						level = 0,
-						type = "category",
-					})
-					mods_category_initialized = true
-				end
-				table.insert(settings, {
-					name = mod.name,
-					level = 1,
-					type = "category",
-				})
-				parse_single_file(file, path, read_all, settings, 2, false)
-				file:close()
+		for i = 1, #worldlist, 1 do
+			if worldlist[i].name == "singleplayerworld" then
+				found_singleplayerworld = true
+				gamedata.worldindex = i
-	return settings
+	this.parent:show()
+	this:hide()
+	this:delete()
+	return true
-local settings = parse_config_file(false, true)
-local selected_setting = 1
-local function get_current_value(setting)
-	local value = core.setting_get(setting.name)
-	if value == nil then
-		value = setting.default
-	end
-	return value
+local function showconfirm_reset(tabview)
+	local new_dlg = dialog_create("reset_spworld",
+		dlg_confirm_reset_formspec,
+		dlg_confirm_reset_btnhandler,
+		nil)
+	new_dlg:set_parent(tabview)
+	tabview:hide()
+	new_dlg:show()
-local function create_change_setting_formspec(dialogdata)
-	local setting = settings[selected_setting]
-	local formspec = "size[10,5.2,true]" ..
-			"button[5,4.5;2,1;btn_done;" .. fgettext("Save") .. "]" ..
-			"button[3,4.5;2,1;btn_cancel;" .. fgettext("Cancel") .. "]" ..
-			"tablecolumns[color;text]" ..
-			"tableoptions[background=#00000000;highlight=#00000000;border=false]" ..
-			"table[0,0;10,3;info;"
-	if setting.readable_name then
-		formspec = formspec .. "#FFFF00," .. fgettext(setting.readable_name)
-				.. " (" .. core.formspec_escape(setting.name) .. "),"
-	else
-		formspec = formspec .. "#FFFF00," .. core.formspec_escape(setting.name) .. ","
-	end
-	formspec = formspec .. ",,"
-	local comment_text = ""
+local function gui_scale_to_scrollbar()
+	local current_value = tonumber(core.setting_get("gui_scaling"))
-	if setting.comment == "" then
-		comment_text = fgettext_ne("(No description of setting given)")
-	else
-		comment_text = fgettext_ne(setting.comment)
+	if (current_value == nil) or current_value < 0.25 then
+		return 0
-	for _, comment_line in ipairs(comment_text:split("\n", true)) do
-		formspec = formspec .. "," .. core.formspec_escape(comment_line) .. ","
+	if current_value <= 1.25 then
+		return ((current_value - 0.25)/ 1.0) * 700
-	if setting.type == "flags" then
-		formspec = formspec .. ",,"
-				.. "," .. fgettext("Please enter a comma seperated list of flags.") .. ","
-				.. "," .. fgettext("Possible values are: ")
-				.. core.formspec_escape(setting.possible:gsub(",", ", ")) .. ","
-	elseif setting.type == "noise_params" then
-		formspec = formspec .. ",,"
-				.. "," .. fgettext("Format: <offset>, <scale>, (<spreadX>, <spreadY>, <spreadZ>), <seed>, <octaves>, <persistence>") .. ","
-				.. "," .. fgettext("Optionally the lacunarity can be appended with a leading comma.") .. ","
-	elseif setting.type == "v3f" then
-		formspec = formspec .. ",,"
-				.. "," .. fgettext_ne("Format is 3 numbers separated by commas and inside brackets.") .. ","
+	if current_value <= 6 then
+		return ((current_value -1.25) * 100) + 700
-	formspec = formspec:sub(1, -2) -- remove trailing comma
+	return 1000
-	formspec = formspec .. ";1]"
+local function scrollbar_to_gui_scale(value)
+	value = tonumber(value)
-	if setting.type == "bool" then
-		local selected_index
-		if core.is_yes(get_current_value(setting)) then
-			selected_index = 2
-		else
-			selected_index = 1
-		end
-		formspec = formspec .. "dropdown[0.5,3.5;3,1;dd_setting_value;"
-				.. fgettext("Disabled") .. "," .. fgettext("Enabled") .. ";"
-				.. selected_index .. "]"
-	elseif setting.type == "enum" then
-		local selected_index = 0
-		formspec = formspec .. "dropdown[0.5,3.5;3,1;dd_setting_value;"
-		for index, value in ipairs(setting.values) do
-			-- translating value is not possible, since it's the value
-			--  that we set the setting to
-			formspec = formspec ..  core.formspec_escape(value) .. ","
-			if get_current_value(setting) == value then
-				selected_index = index
-			end
-		end
-		if #setting.values > 0 then
-			formspec = formspec:sub(1, -2) -- remove trailing comma
-		end
-		formspec = formspec .. ";" .. selected_index .. "]"
+	if (value <= 700) then
+		return ((value / 700) * 1.0) + 0.25
+	end
+	if (value <= 1000) then
+		return ((value - 700) / 100) + 1.25
+	end
-	elseif setting.type == "path" then
-		local current_value = dialogdata.selected_path
-		if not current_value then
-			current_value = get_current_value(setting)
-		end
-		formspec = formspec .. "field[0.5,4;7.5,1;te_setting_value;;"
-				.. core.formspec_escape(current_value) .. "]"
-				.. "button[8,3.75;2,1;btn_browser_path;" .. fgettext("Browse") .. "]"
+	return 1
+local function formspec(tabview, name, tabdata)
+	local tab_string =
+		"box[0,0;3.5,4.3;#999999]" ..
+		"checkbox[0.25,0;cb_smooth_lighting;" .. fgettext("Smooth Lighting")
+				.. ";" .. dump(core.setting_getbool("smooth_lighting")) .. "]" ..
+		"checkbox[0.25,0.5;cb_particles;" .. fgettext("Enable Particles") .. ";"
+				.. dump(core.setting_getbool("enable_particles")) .. "]" ..
+		"checkbox[0.25,1;cb_3d_clouds;" .. fgettext("3D Clouds") .. ";"
+				.. dump(core.setting_getbool("enable_3d_clouds")) .. "]" ..
+		"checkbox[0.25,1.5;cb_opaque_water;" .. fgettext("Opaque Water") .. ";"
+				.. dump(core.setting_getbool("opaque_water")) .. "]" ..
+		"checkbox[0.25,2.0;cb_connected_glass;" .. fgettext("Connected Glass") .. ";"
+				.. dump(core.setting_getbool("connected_glass")) .. "]" ..
+		"checkbox[0.25,2.5;cb_node_highlighting;" .. fgettext("Node Highlighting") .. ";"
+				.. dump(core.setting_getbool("enable_node_highlighting")) .. "]" ..
+		"dropdown[0.25,3.4;3.3;dd_leaves_style;" .. leaves_style[1][1] .. ";"
+				.. getLeavesStyleSettingIndex() .. "]" ..
+		"box[3.75,0;3.75,3.45;#999999]" ..
+		"label[3.85,0.1;" .. fgettext("Texturing:") .. "]" ..
+		"dropdown[3.85,0.55;3.85;dd_filters;" .. filters[1][1] .. ";"
+				.. getFilterSettingIndex() .. "]" ..
+		"dropdown[3.85,1.35;3.85;dd_mipmap;" .. mipmap[1][1] .. ";"
+				.. getMipmapSettingIndex() .. "]" ..
+		"label[3.85,2.15;" .. fgettext("Antialiasing:") .. "]" ..
+		"dropdown[3.85,2.6;3.85;dd_antialiasing;" .. antialiasing[1][1] .. ";"
+				.. getAntialiasingSettingIndex() .. "]" ..
+		"box[7.75,0;4,4;#999999]" ..
+		"checkbox[8,0;cb_shaders;" .. fgettext("Shaders") .. ";"
+				.. dump(core.setting_getbool("enable_shaders")) .. "]"
+	tab_string = tab_string ..
+		"button[8,4.75;3.75,0.5;btn_change_keys;" .. fgettext("Change keys") .. "]" ..
+		"button[0,4.75;3.75,0.5;btn_advanced_settings;" .. fgettext("Advanced Settings") .. "]"
+	if core.setting_get("touchscreen_threshold") ~= nil then
+		tab_string = tab_string ..
+				"label[4.3,4.1;" .. fgettext("Touchthreshold (px)") .. "]" ..
+				"dropdown[3.85,4.55;3.85;dd_touchthreshold;0,10,20,30,40,50;" ..
+				((tonumber(core.setting_get("touchscreen_threshold"))/10)+1) .. "]"
+	end
+	if core.setting_getbool("enable_shaders") then
+		tab_string = tab_string ..
+				"checkbox[8,0.5;cb_bumpmapping;" .. fgettext("Bumpmapping") .. ";"
+						.. dump(core.setting_getbool("enable_bumpmapping")) .. "]" ..
+				"checkbox[8,1.0;cb_generate_normalmaps;" .. fgettext("Generate Normalmaps") .. ";"
+						.. dump(core.setting_getbool("generate_normalmaps")) .. "]" ..
+				"checkbox[8,1.5;cb_parallax;" .. fgettext("Parallax Occlusion") .. ";"
+						.. dump(core.setting_getbool("enable_parallax_occlusion")) .. "]" ..
+				"checkbox[8,2.0;cb_waving_water;" .. fgettext("Waving Water") .. ";"
+						.. dump(core.setting_getbool("enable_waving_water")) .. "]" ..
+				"checkbox[8,2.5;cb_waving_leaves;" .. fgettext("Waving Leaves") .. ";"
+						.. dump(core.setting_getbool("enable_waving_leaves")) .. "]" ..
+				"checkbox[8,3.0;cb_waving_plants;" .. fgettext("Waving Plants") .. ";"
+						.. dump(core.setting_getbool("enable_waving_plants")) .. "]"
-		-- TODO: fancy input for float, int, flags, noise_params, v3f
-		local width = 10
-		local text = get_current_value(setting)
-		if dialogdata.error_message then
-			formspec = formspec .. "tablecolumns[color;text]" ..
-			"tableoptions[background=#00000000;highlight=#00000000;border=false]" ..
-			"table[5,3.9;5,0.6;error_message;#FF0000,"
-					.. core.formspec_escape(dialogdata.error_message) .. ";0]"
-			width = 5
-			if dialogdata.entered_text then
-				text = dialogdata.entered_text
-			end
-		end
-		formspec = formspec .. "field[0.5,4;" .. width .. ",1;te_setting_value;;"
-				.. core.formspec_escape(text) .. "]"
-	end
-	return formspec
+		tab_string = tab_string ..
+				"tablecolumns[color;text]" ..
+				"tableoptions[background=#00000000;highlight=#00000000;border=false]" ..
+				"table[8.33,0.7;3.5,4;shaders;" ..
+					"#888888," .. fgettext("Bumpmapping") .. "," ..
+					"#888888," .. fgettext("Generate Normalmaps") .. "," ..
+					"#888888," .. fgettext("Parallax Occlusion") .. "," ..
+					"#888888," .. fgettext("Waving Water") .. "," ..
+					"#888888," .. fgettext("Waving Leaves") .. "," ..
+					"#888888," .. fgettext("Waving Plants") .. "," ..
+					";1]"
+	end
+	return tab_string
-local function handle_change_setting_buttons(this, fields)
-	if fields["btn_done"] or fields["key_enter"] then
-		local setting = settings[selected_setting]
-		if setting.type == "bool" then
-			local new_value = fields["dd_setting_value"]
-			-- Note: new_value is the actual (translated) value shown in the dropdown
-			core.setting_setbool(setting.name, new_value == fgettext("Enabled"))
-		elseif setting.type == "enum" then
-			local new_value = fields["dd_setting_value"]
-			core.setting_set(setting.name, new_value)
-		elseif setting.type == "int" then
-			local new_value = tonumber(fields["te_setting_value"])
-			if not new_value or math.floor(new_value) ~= new_value then
-				this.data.error_message = fgettext_ne("Please enter a valid integer.")
-				this.data.entered_text = fields["te_setting_value"]
-				core.update_formspec(this:get_formspec())
-				return true
-			end
-			if setting.min and new_value < setting.min then
-				this.data.error_message = fgettext_ne("The value must be greater than $1.", setting.min)
-				this.data.entered_text = fields["te_setting_value"]
-				core.update_formspec(this:get_formspec())
-				return true
-			end
-			if setting.max and new_value > setting.max then
-				this.data.error_message = fgettext_ne("The value must be lower than $1.", setting.max)
-				this.data.entered_text = fields["te_setting_value"]
-				core.update_formspec(this:get_formspec())
-				return true
-			end
-			core.setting_set(setting.name, new_value)
-		elseif setting.type == "float" then
-			local new_value = tonumber(fields["te_setting_value"])
-			if not new_value then
-				this.data.error_message = fgettext_ne("Please enter a valid number.")
-				this.data.entered_text = fields["te_setting_value"]
-				core.update_formspec(this:get_formspec())
-				return true
-			end
-			core.setting_set(setting.name, new_value)
-		elseif setting.type == "flags" then
-			local new_value = fields["te_setting_value"]
-			for _,value in ipairs(new_value:split(",", true)) do
-				value = value:trim()
-				local possible = "," .. setting.possible .. ","
-				if not possible:find("," .. value .. ",", 0, true) then
-					this.data.error_message = fgettext_ne("\"$1\" is not a valid flag.", value)
-					this.data.entered_text = fields["te_setting_value"]
-					core.update_formspec(this:get_formspec())
-					return true
-				end
-			end
-			core.setting_set(setting.name, new_value)
+local function handle_settings_buttons(this, fields, tabname, tabdata)
-		else
-			local new_value = fields["te_setting_value"]
-			core.setting_set(setting.name, new_value)
-		end
-		core.setting_save()
-		this:delete()
+	if fields["btn_advanced_settings"] ~= nil then
+		local adv_settings_dlg = create_adv_settings_dlg()
+		adv_settings_dlg:set_parent(this)
+		this:hide()
+		adv_settings_dlg:show()
+		--mm_texture.update("singleplayer", current_game())
 		return true
-	if fields["btn_cancel"] then
-		this:delete()
+	if fields["cb_smooth_lighting"] then
+		core.setting_set("smooth_lighting", fields["cb_smooth_lighting"])
 		return true
-	if fields["btn_browser_path"] then
-		core.show_file_open_dialog("dlg_browse_path", fgettext_ne("Select path"))
+	if fields["cb_particles"] then
+		core.setting_set("enable_particles", fields["cb_particles"])
+		return true
-	if fields["dlg_browse_path_accepted"] then
-		this.data.selected_path = fields["dlg_browse_path_accepted"]
-		core.update_formspec(this:get_formspec())
+	if fields["cb_3d_clouds"] then
+		core.setting_set("enable_3d_clouds", fields["cb_3d_clouds"])
+		return true
-	return false
-local function create_settings_formspec(tabview, name, tabdata)
-	local formspec = "tablecolumns[color;tree;text;text]" ..
-					"tableoptions[background=#00000000;border=false]" ..
-					"table[0,0;12,4.5;list_settings;"
-	local current_level = 0
-	for _, entry in ipairs(settings) do
-		local name
-		if not core.setting_getbool("main_menu_technical_settings") and entry.readable_name then
-			name = fgettext_ne(entry.readable_name)
-		else
-			name = entry.name
-		end
-		if entry.type == "category" then
-			current_level = entry.level
-			formspec = formspec .. "#FFFF00," .. current_level .. "," .. fgettext(name) .. ",,"
-		elseif entry.type == "bool" then
-			local value = get_current_value(entry)
-			if core.is_yes(value) then
-				value = fgettext("Enabled")
-			else
-				value = fgettext("Disabled")
-			end
-			formspec = formspec .. "," .. (current_level + 1) .. "," .. core.formspec_escape(name) .. ","
-					.. value .. ","
-		elseif entry.type == "key" then
-			-- ignore key settings, since we have a special dialog for them
-		else
-			formspec = formspec .. "," .. (current_level + 1) .. "," .. core.formspec_escape(name) .. ","
-					.. core.formspec_escape(get_current_value(entry)) .. ","
-		end
+	if fields["cb_opaque_water"] then
+		core.setting_set("opaque_water", fields["cb_opaque_water"])
+		return true
-	if #settings > 0 then
-		formspec = formspec:sub(1, -2) -- remove trailing comma
+	if fields["cb_connected_glass"] then
+		core.setting_set("connected_glass", fields["cb_connected_glass"])
+		return true
-	formspec = formspec .. ";" .. selected_setting .. "]" ..
-			"button[4,4.5;3,1;btn_change_keys;".. fgettext("Change keys") .. "]" ..
-			"button[10,4.5;2,1;btn_edit;" .. fgettext("Edit") .. "]" ..
-			"button[7,4.5;3,1;btn_restore;" .. fgettext("Restore Default") .. "]" ..
-			"checkbox[0,4.5;cb_tech_settings;" .. fgettext("Show technical names") .. ";"
-					.. dump(core.setting_getbool("main_menu_technical_settings")) .. "]"
-	return formspec
-local function handle_settings_buttons(this, fields, tabname, tabdata)
-	local list_enter = false
-	if fields["list_settings"] then
-		selected_setting = core.get_table_index("list_settings")
-		if  core.explode_table_event(fields["list_settings"]).type == "DCL" then
-			-- Directly toggle booleans
-			local setting = settings[selected_setting]
-			if setting.type == "bool" then
-				local current_value = get_current_value(setting)
-				core.setting_setbool(setting.name, not core.is_yes(current_value))
-				core.setting_save()
-				return true
-			else
-				list_enter = true
-			end
+	if fields["cb_node_highlighting"] then
+		core.setting_set("enable_node_highlighting", fields["cb_node_highlighting"])
+		return true
+	end
+	if fields["cb_shaders"] then
+		if (core.setting_get("video_driver") == "direct3d8"
+				or core.setting_get("video_driver") == "direct3d9") then
+			core.setting_set("enable_shaders", "false")
+			gamedata.errormessage = fgettext("To enable shaders the OpenGL driver needs to be used.")
-			return true
+			core.setting_set("enable_shaders", fields["cb_shaders"])
+		return true
-	if fields["btn_edit"] or list_enter then
-		local setting = settings[selected_setting]
-		if setting.type ~= "category" then
-			local edit_dialog = dialog_create("change_setting", create_change_setting_formspec,
-					handle_change_setting_buttons)
-			edit_dialog:set_parent(this)
-			this:hide()
-			edit_dialog:show()
-		end
+	if fields["cb_bumpmapping"] then
+		core.setting_set("enable_bumpmapping", fields["cb_bumpmapping"])
+	end
+	if fields["cb_generate_normalmaps"] then
+		core.setting_set("generate_normalmaps", fields["cb_generate_normalmaps"])
+	end
+	if fields["cb_parallax"] then
+		core.setting_set("enable_parallax_occlusion", fields["cb_parallax"])
+		return true
+	end
+	if fields["cb_waving_water"] then
+		core.setting_set("enable_waving_water", fields["cb_waving_water"])
+		return true
+	end
+	if fields["cb_waving_leaves"] then
+		core.setting_set("enable_waving_leaves", fields["cb_waving_leaves"])
+	end
+	if fields["cb_waving_plants"] then
+		core.setting_set("enable_waving_plants", fields["cb_waving_plants"])
 		return true
-	if fields["btn_restore"] then
-		local setting = settings[selected_setting]
-		if setting.type ~= "category" then
-			core.setting_set(setting.name, setting.default)
-			core.setting_save()
-			core.update_formspec(this:get_formspec())
+	if fields["sb_gui_scaling"] then
+		local event = core.explode_scrollbar_event(fields["sb_gui_scaling"])
+		if event.type == "CHG" then
+			local tosave = string.format("%.2f",scrollbar_to_gui_scale(event.value))
+			core.setting_set("gui_scaling", tosave)
+			return true
-		return true
 	if fields["btn_change_keys"] then
 		return true
-	if fields["cb_tech_settings"] then
-		core.setting_set("main_menu_technical_settings", fields["cb_tech_settings"])
-		core.setting_save()
-		core.update_formspec(this:get_formspec())
+	if fields["cb_touchscreen_target"] then
+		core.setting_set("touchtarget", fields["cb_touchscreen_target"])
+		return true
+	end
+	if fields["btn_reset_singleplayer"] then
+		showconfirm_reset(this)
 		return true
-	return false
+	--Note dropdowns have to be handled LAST!
+	local ddhandled = false
+	if fields["dd_leaves_style"] == leaves_style_labels[1] then
+		core.setting_set("leaves_style", leaves_style[2][1])
+		ddhandled = true
+	elseif fields["dd_leaves_style"] == leaves_style_labels[2] then
+		core.setting_set("leaves_style", leaves_style[2][2])
+		ddhandled = true
+	elseif fields["dd_leaves_style"] == leaves_style_labels[3] then
+		core.setting_set("leaves_style", leaves_style[2][3])
+		ddhandled = true
+	end
+	if fields["dd_filters"] == dd_filter_labels[1] then
+		core.setting_set("bilinear_filter", "false")
+		core.setting_set("trilinear_filter", "false")
+		ddhandled = true
+	elseif fields["dd_filters"] == dd_filter_labels[2] then
+		core.setting_set("bilinear_filter", "true")
+		core.setting_set("trilinear_filter", "false")
+		ddhandled = true
+	elseif fields["dd_filters"] == dd_filter_labels[3] then
+		core.setting_set("bilinear_filter", "false")
+		core.setting_set("trilinear_filter", "true")
+		ddhandled = true
+	end
+	if fields["dd_mipmap"] == dd_mipmap_labels[1] then
+		core.setting_set("mip_map", "false")
+		core.setting_set("anisotropic_filter", "false")
+		ddhandled = true
+	elseif fields["dd_mipmap"] == dd_mipmap_labels[2] then
+		core.setting_set("mip_map", "true")
+		core.setting_set("anisotropic_filter", "false")
+		ddhandled = true
+	elseif fields["dd_mipmap"] == dd_mipmap_labels[3] then
+		core.setting_set("mip_map", "true")
+		core.setting_set("anisotropic_filter", "true")
+		ddhandled = true
+	end
+	if fields["dd_antialiasing"] then
+		core.setting_set("fsaa",
+			antialiasing_fname_to_name(fields["dd_antialiasing"]))
+		ddhandled = true
+	end
+	if fields["dd_touchthreshold"] then
+		core.setting_set("touchscreen_threshold",fields["dd_touchthreshold"])
+		ddhandled = true
+	end
+	return ddhandled
 tab_settings = {
 	name = "settings",
 	caption = fgettext("Settings"),
-	cbf_formspec = create_settings_formspec,
-	cbf_button_handler = handle_settings_buttons,
+	cbf_formspec = formspec,
+	cbf_button_handler = handle_settings_buttons
-local function create_minetest_conf_example()
-	local result = "#    This file contains a list of all available settings and their default value for minetest.conf\n" ..
-			"\n" ..
-			"#    By default, all the settings are commented and not functional.\n" ..
-			"#    Uncomment settings by removing the preceding #.\n" ..
-			"\n" ..
-			"#    minetest.conf is read by default from:\n" ..
-			"#    ../minetest.conf\n" ..
-			"#    ../../minetest.conf\n" ..
-			"#    Any other path can be chosen by passing the path as a parameter\n" ..
-			"#    to the program, eg. \"minetest.exe --config ../minetest.conf.example\".\n" ..
-			"\n" ..
-			"#    Further documentation:\n" ..
-			"#    http://wiki.minetest.net/\n" ..
-			"\n"
-	local settings = parse_config_file(true, false)
-	for _, entry in ipairs(settings) do
-		if entry.type == "category" then
-			if entry.level == 0 then
-				result = result .. "#\n# " .. entry.name .. "\n#\n\n"
-			else
-				for i = 1, entry.level do
-					result = result .. "#"
-				end
-				result = result .. "# " .. entry.name .. "\n\n"
-			end
-		else
-			if entry.comment ~= "" then
-				for _, comment_line in ipairs(entry.comment:split("\n", true)) do
-					result = result .."#    " .. comment_line .. "\n"
-				end
-			end
-			result = result .. "#    type: " .. entry.type
-			if entry.min then
-				result = result .. " min: " .. entry.min
-			end
-			if entry.max then
-				result = result .. " max: " .. entry.max
-			end
-			if entry.values then
-				result = result .. " values: " .. table.concat(entry.values, ", ")
-			end
-			if entry.possible then
-				result = result .. " possible values: " .. entry.possible:gsub(",", ", ")
-			end
-			result = result .. "\n"
-			result = result .. "# " .. entry.name .. " = ".. entry.default .. "\n\n"
-		end
-	end
-	return result
-local function create_translation_file()
-	local result = "// This file is automatically generated\n" ..
-			"// It conatins a bunch of fake gettext calls, to tell xgettext about the strings in config files\n" ..
-			"// To update it, refer to the bottom of builtin/mainmenu/tab_settings.lua\n\n" ..
-			"fake_function() {\n"
-	local settings = parse_config_file(true, false)
-	for _, entry in ipairs(settings) do
-		if entry.type == "category" then
-			local name_escaped = entry.name:gsub("\"", "\\\"")
-			result = result .. "\tgettext(\"" .. name_escaped .. "\");\n"
-		else
-			if entry.readable_name then
-				local readable_name_escaped = entry.readable_name:gsub("\"", "\\\"")
-				result = result .. "\tgettext(\"" .. readable_name_escaped .. "\");\n"
-			end
-			if entry.comment ~= "" then
-				local comment_escaped = entry.comment:gsub("\n", "\\n")
-				comment_escaped = comment_escaped:gsub("\"", "\\\"")
-				result = result .. "\tgettext(\"" .. comment_escaped .. "\");\n"
-			end
-		end
-	end
-	result = result .. "}\n"
-	return result
-if false then
-	local file = io.open("minetest.conf.example", "w")
-	if file then
-		file:write(create_minetest_conf_example())
-		file:close()
-	end
-if false then
-	local file = io.open("src/settings_translation_file.cpp", "w")
-	if file then
-		file:write(create_translation_file())
-		file:close()
-	end