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  • paramat's avatar
    Textures: Revert many back to RGBA to fix visual bug · 47efa2f5
    paramat authored
    With mip-mapping enabled, some GPUs cause a visual bug with indexed
    textures that use alpha. This bug has been present for a while but
    not noticed before. All indexed alpha textures must now be converted
    to RGBA, to start this process we revert some textures converted to
    indexed in the recent commit af3c9186.
    Textures: Revert many back to RGBA to fix visual bug
    paramat authored
    With mip-mapping enabled, some GPUs cause a visual bug with indexed
    textures that use alpha. This bug has been present for a while but
    not noticed before. All indexed alpha textures must now be converted
    to RGBA, to start this process we revert some textures converted to
    indexed in the recent commit af3c9186.