diff --git a/mods/wool/init.lua b/mods/wool/init.lua
index f485e4fb0a331981881c7ff48142af05b765adbd..a36e4dd862404622b33e9a5aec79ff72842a9e84 100644
--- a/mods/wool/init.lua
+++ b/mods/wool/init.lua
@@ -1,14 +1,8 @@
--- minetest/wool/init.lua
--- Backwards compatibility with jordach's 16-color wool mod
-minetest.register_alias("wool:dark_blue", "wool:blue")
-minetest.register_alias("wool:gold", "wool:yellow")
-local wool = {}
 -- This uses a trick: you can first define the recipes using all of the base
 -- colors, and then some recipes using more specific colors for a few non-base
 -- colors available. When crafting, the last recipes will be checked first.
-wool.dyes = {
+local dyes = {
 	{"white",      "White",      "basecolor_white"},
 	{"grey",       "Grey",       "basecolor_grey"},
 	{"black",      "Black",      "basecolor_black"},
@@ -26,25 +20,28 @@ wool.dyes = {
 	{"dark_green", "Dark Green", "unicolor_dark_green"},
-for _, row in ipairs(wool.dyes) do
-	local name = row[1]
-	local desc = row[2]
-	local craft_color_group = row[3]
-	-- Node Definition
-	minetest.register_node("wool:"..name, {
-		description = desc.." Wool",
-		tiles = {"wool_"..name..".png"},
+for i = 1, #dyes do
+	local name, desc, craft_color_group = unpack(dyes[i])
+	minetest.register_node("wool:" .. name, {
+		description = desc .. " Wool",
+		tiles = {"wool_" .. name .. ".png"},
 		is_ground_content = false,
-		groups = {snappy=2,choppy=2,oddly_breakable_by_hand=3,flammable=3,wool=1},
+		groups = {snappy = 2, choppy = 2, oddly_breakable_by_hand = 3,
+				flammable = 3, wool = 1},
 		sounds = default.node_sound_defaults(),
-	if craft_color_group then
-		-- Crafting from dye and white wool
-		minetest.register_craft({
-			type = "shapeless",
-			output = 'wool:'..name,
-			recipe = {'group:dye,'..craft_color_group, 'group:wool'},
-		})
-	end
+	minetest.register_craft{
+		type = "shapeless",
+		output = "wool:" .. name,
+		recipe = {"group:dye," .. craft_color_group, "group:wool"},
+	}
+-- legacy
+-- Backwards compatibility with jordach's 16-color wool mod
+minetest.register_alias("wool:dark_blue", "wool:blue")
+minetest.register_alias("wool:gold", "wool:yellow")