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  • MarkuBu's avatar
    Leafdecay: Node timer based implementation, API · 60e5b299
    MarkuBu authored
    This implements a node-timer based leafdecay mechanism, and exposes
    an API to use it in mods.
    The API is documented in game_api.txt.
    `leafdecaydef` is a table, with following members:
    	trunks = { "default:tree"}, -- nodes considered trunks
    	leaves = { "default:leaves", "default:apple"}, -- nodes considered leaves
    	radius = 3, -- activates leafdecay this far from the trunk
    The algorithm will drop `leaves` items in the area if no `trunks` are found
    in the `trunk_radius` sized area around the position of the leaf. If a node
    listed in `leaves` has a group `leafdecay_drop > 0`, then the item is dropped,
    otherwise the item is removed but not dropped.
    The algorithm also implements a value `default.leafdecay_speed` (default
    15) which can be modified to increase or decrease of the leaf decay. The
    algorithm will vary the actual speed a bit to introduce randomness.
    Leaf decay is randomized by 0.1 seconds to reduce the chance that
    decay happens many times on the same second interval. This requires
    nodetimer_interval to be set to values lower than 1.0 to have an
    The leaves will decay between 2 and 10 seconds after digging the trunk,
    and happen at non-integer second intervals.
    -- The API was added by sofar.