diff --git a/public/javascripts/app/pages/framer.js b/public/javascripts/app/pages/framer.js
index 1aee8f31841c84437d6059cc7ae0e9181ada465e..3939f832fefa89404e4db0910610dbb5f146c85f 100644
--- a/public/javascripts/app/pages/framer.js
+++ b/public/javascripts/app/pages/framer.js
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ app.pages.Framer = app.views.Base.extend({
     this._postView.feedbackView = new Backbone.View
-    this.model.authorIsNotCurrentUser = function(){ return false }
+    this.model.authorIsCurrentUser = function(){ return true }
     return this._postView
diff --git a/public/javascripts/app/templates/stream-element.handlebars b/public/javascripts/app/templates/stream-element.handlebars
index 2e0fe9a838745db28abceddf2bbcf39860afaa9c..024c51a0b6fe8fb1b74d1047a0df04dafb636057 100644
--- a/public/javascripts/app/templates/stream-element.handlebars
+++ b/public/javascripts/app/templates/stream-element.handlebars
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   {{#if current_user}}
     <div class="controls">
-      {{#if authorIsNotCurrentUser}}
+      {{#unless authorIsCurrentUser}}
         <a href="#" rel=nofollow>
           <img src="{{imageUrl "/images/icons/ignoreuser.png"}}"" alt="Ignoreuser" class="block_user control_icon" title="{{t "ignore"}}" />
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
         <a href="#" rel=nofollow>
           <img src="{{imageUrl "/images/deletelabel.png"}}" class="delete control_icon remove_post" title="{{t "delete"}}" />
-      {{/if}}
+      {{/unless}}
diff --git a/public/javascripts/app/views/post_view.js b/public/javascripts/app/views/post_view.js
index 5900bf75c39c2669e258d2d2d371ef9f6c65da41..bc6345e5056abcd64f7b2725d4974db0348b5fe0 100644
--- a/public/javascripts/app/views/post_view.js
+++ b/public/javascripts/app/views/post_view.js
@@ -1,133 +1,21 @@
 app.views.Post = app.views.StreamObject.extend({
-  templateName: "stream-element",
-  className : "stream_element loaded",
-  events: {
-    "click .focus_comment_textarea": "focusCommentTextarea",
-    "click .show_nsfw_post": "removeNsfwShield",
-    "click .toggle_nsfw_state": "toggleNsfwState",
-    "click .remove_post": "destroyModel",
-    "click .hide_post": "hidePost",
-    "click .block_user": "blockUser"
-  },
-  subviews : {
-    ".feedback" : "feedbackView",
-    ".likes" : "likesInfoView",
-    ".comments" : "commentStreamView",
-    ".post-content" : "postContentView"
-  },
-  tooltipSelector : ".delete, .block_user, .post_scope",
   initialize : function(options) {
-    // allow for a custom template name to be passed in via the options hash
-    this.templateName = options.templateName || this.templateName
-    this.model.bind('remove', this.remove, this);
-    this.model.bind('destroy', this.destroy, this);
-    //subviews
-    this.commentStreamView = new app.views.CommentStream({ model : this.model});
-    return this;
-  },
-  likesInfoView : function(){
-    return new app.views.LikesInfo({ model : this.model});
-  },
-  feedbackView : function(){
-    if(!app.currentUser.authenticated()) { return null }
-    return new app.views.Feedback({model : this.model});
-  },
-  postContentView: function(){
-    var normalizedClass = this.model.get("post_type").replace(/::/, "__");
-    var postClass = app.views[normalizedClass] || app.views.StatusMessage;
-    return new postClass({ model : this.model });
+    this.templateName = options.templateName
   presenter : function() {
     return _.extend(this.defaultPresenter(), {
-      authorIsNotCurrentUser : this.authorIsNotCurrentUser(),
+      authorIsCurrentUser : this.authorIsCurrentUser(),
       showPost : this.showPost(),
       text : app.helpers.textFormatter(this.model)
-  showPost : function() {
-    return (app.currentUser.get("showNsfw")) || !this.model.get("nsfw")
-  },
-  removeNsfwShield: function(evt){
-    if(evt){ evt.preventDefault(); }
-    this.model.set({nsfw : false})
-    this.render();
-  },
-  toggleNsfwState: function(evt){
-    if(evt){ evt.preventDefault(); }
-    app.currentUser.toggleNsfwState();
-  },
-  blockUser: function(evt){
-    if(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); }
-    if(!confirm("Ignore this user?")) { return }
-    var personId = this.model.get("author").id;
-    var block = new app.models.Block();
-    block.save({block : {person_id : personId}}, {
-      success : function(){
-        if(!app.stream) { return }
-        _.each(app.stream.posts.models, function(model){
-          if(model.get("author").id == personId) {
-            app.stream.posts.remove(model);
-          }
-        })
-      }
-    })
-  },
-  hidePost : function(evt) {
-    if(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); }
-    if(!confirm(Diaspora.I18n.t('confirm_dialog'))) { return }
-    $.ajax({
-      url : "/share_visibilities/42",
-      type : "PUT",
-      data : {
-        post_id : this.model.id
-      }
-    })
-    this.slideAndRemove();
-  },
-  focusCommentTextarea: function(evt){
-    evt.preventDefault();
-    this.$(".new_comment_form_wrapper").removeClass("hidden");
-    this.$(".comment_box").focus();
-    return this;
+  authorIsCurrentUser : function() {
+    return app.currentUser.authenticated() && this.model.get("author").id == app.user().id
-  authorIsNotCurrentUser : function() {
-    return this.model.get("author").id != app.user().id
-  },
-  isOnShowPage : function() {
-    return (!this.model.collection) && (this.model.url() == document.location.pathname);
-  },
-  destroy : function() {
-    if (this.isOnShowPage()) {
-      document.location.replace(Backbone.history.options.root);
-    }
+  showPost : function() {
+    return (app.currentUser.get("showNsfw")) || !this.model.get("nsfw")
diff --git a/public/javascripts/app/views/stream_object_view.js b/public/javascripts/app/views/stream_object_view.js
index 1f46e732b50641b891d7fb3e5a4e2f0154085ee2..42d7bc6d4195dd420307386c9f59e350aae041c4 100644
--- a/public/javascripts/app/views/stream_object_view.js
+++ b/public/javascripts/app/views/stream_object_view.js
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 app.views.StreamObject = app.views.Base.extend({
-  destroyModel: function(evt) {
+   destroyModel: function(evt) {
     if (evt) {
diff --git a/public/javascripts/app/views/stream_post_views.js b/public/javascripts/app/views/stream_post_views.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5d955c54de447c7b39dc4db5b1bf3c96188a0cf6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/javascripts/app/views/stream_post_views.js
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+app.views.StreamPost = app.views.Post.extend({
+  templateName: "stream-element",
+  className : "stream_element loaded",
+  subviews : {
+    ".feedback" : "feedbackView",
+    ".likes" : "likesInfoView",
+    ".comments" : "commentStreamView",
+    ".post-content" : "postContentView"
+  },
+  events: {
+    "click .focus_comment_textarea": "focusCommentTextarea",
+    "click .show_nsfw_post": "removeNsfwShield",
+    "click .toggle_nsfw_state": "toggleNsfwState",
+    "click .remove_post": "destroyModel",
+    "click .hide_post": "hidePost",
+    "click .block_user": "blockUser"
+  },
+  tooltipSelector : ".delete, .block_user, .post_scope",
+  initialize : function(){
+    this.model.bind('remove', this.remove, this);
+    //subviews
+    this.commentStreamView = new app.views.CommentStream({ model : this.model});
+  },
+  likesInfoView : function(){
+    return new app.views.LikesInfo({ model : this.model});
+  },
+  feedbackView : function(){
+    if(!app.currentUser.authenticated()) { return null }
+    return new app.views.Feedback({model : this.model});
+  },
+  postContentView: function(){
+    var normalizedClass = this.model.get("post_type").replace(/::/, "__");
+    var postClass = app.views[normalizedClass] || app.views.StatusMessage;
+    return new postClass({ model : this.model });
+  },
+  removeNsfwShield: function(evt){
+    if(evt){ evt.preventDefault(); }
+    this.model.set({nsfw : false})
+    this.render();
+  },
+  toggleNsfwState: function(evt){
+    if(evt){ evt.preventDefault(); }
+    app.currentUser.toggleNsfwState();
+  },
+  blockUser: function(evt){
+    if(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); }
+    if(!confirm("Ignore this user?")) { return }
+    var personId = this.model.get("author").id;
+    var block = new app.models.Block();
+    block.save({block : {person_id : personId}}, {
+      success : function(){
+        if(!app.stream) { return }
+        _.each(app.stream.posts.models, function(model){
+          if(model.get("author").id == personId) {
+            app.stream.posts.remove(model);
+          }
+        })
+      }
+    })
+  },
+  hidePost : function(evt) {
+    if(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); }
+    if(!confirm(Diaspora.I18n.t('confirm_dialog'))) { return }
+    $.ajax({
+      url : "/share_visibilities/42",
+      type : "PUT",
+      data : {
+        post_id : this.model.id
+      }
+    })
+    this.slideAndRemove();
+  },
+  focusCommentTextarea: function(evt){
+    evt.preventDefault();
+    this.$(".new_comment_form_wrapper").removeClass("hidden");
+    this.$(".comment_box").focus();
+    return this;
+  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/javascripts/app/views/stream_view.js b/public/javascripts/app/views/stream_view.js
index a39892dd96961407fc543edf39b5c25e64f76ea5..b17ae4c60a6efa083d849a2f328c01593b50b828 100644
--- a/public/javascripts/app/views/stream_view.js
+++ b/public/javascripts/app/views/stream_view.js
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ app.views.Stream = Backbone.View.extend({
   addPost : function(post) {
-    var postView = new app.views.Post({ model: post });
+    var postView = new app.views.StreamPost({ model: post });
       (this.collection.at(0).id == post.id)
diff --git a/spec/javascripts/app/views/post_view_spec.js b/spec/javascripts/app/views/post_view_spec.js
index d1ef0e2b35da511db74c884b5ca36ccecfb7ad4f..58225d1afbfffc37e6f19188bd3ac9dcd64c533b 100644
--- a/spec/javascripts/app/views/post_view_spec.js
+++ b/spec/javascripts/app/views/post_view_spec.js
@@ -1,188 +1,3 @@
 describe("app.views.Post", function(){
-  describe("#render", function(){
-    beforeEach(function(){
-      loginAs({name: "alice", avatar : {small : "http://avatar.com/photo.jpg"}});
-      Diaspora.I18n.loadLocale({stream : {
-        reshares : {
-          one : "<%= count %> reshare",
-          other : "<%= count %> reshares"
-        },
-        likes : {
-          zero : "<%= count %> Likes",
-          one : "<%= count %> Like",
-          other : "<%= count %> Likes"
-        }
-      }})
-      var posts = $.parseJSON(spec.readFixture("stream_json"))["posts"];
-      this.collection = new app.collections.Posts(posts);
-      this.statusMessage = this.collection.models[0];
-      this.reshare = this.collection.models[1];
-    })
-    context("reshare", function(){
-        it("displays a reshare count", function(){
-          this.statusMessage.set({reshares_count : 2})
-          var view = new app.views.Post({model : this.statusMessage}).render();
-          expect($(view.el).html()).toContain(Diaspora.I18n.t('stream.reshares', {count: 2}))
-        })
-        it("does not display a reshare count for 'zero'", function(){
-          this.statusMessage.set({reshares_count : 0})
-          var view = new app.views.Post({model : this.statusMessage}).render();
-          expect($(view.el).html()).not.toContain("0 Reshares")
-        })
-    })
-    context("likes", function(){
-        it("displays a like count", function(){
-          this.statusMessage.set({likes_count : 1})
-          var view = new app.views.Post({model : this.statusMessage}).render();
-          expect($(view.el).html()).toContain(Diaspora.I18n.t('stream.likes', {count: 1}))
-        })
-        it("does not display a like count for 'zero'", function(){
-          this.statusMessage.set({likes_count : 0})
-          var view = new app.views.Post({model : this.statusMessage}).render();
-          expect($(view.el).html()).not.toContain("0 Likes")
-        })
-    })
-    context("embed_html", function(){
-      it("provides oembed html from the model response", function(){
-        this.statusMessage.set({"o_embed_cache" : {
-          "data" : {
-            "html" : "some html"
-          }
-        }})
-        var view = new app.views.Content({model : this.statusMessage});
-        expect(view.presenter().o_embed_html).toContain("some html")
-      })
-      it("does not provide oembed html from the model response if none is present", function(){
-        this.statusMessage.set({"o_embed_cache" : null})
-        var view = new app.views.Content({model : this.statusMessage});
-        expect(view.presenter().o_embed_html).toBe("");
-      })
-    })
-    context("user not signed in", function(){
-      it("does not provide a Feedback view", function(){
-        logout()
-        var view = new app.views.Post({model : this.statusMessage}).render();
-        expect(view.feedbackView()).toBeFalsy();
-      })
-    })
-    context("NSFW", function(){
-      beforeEach(function(){
-        this.statusMessage.set({nsfw: true});
-        this.view = new app.views.Post({model : this.statusMessage}).render();
-        this.hiddenPosts = function(){
-           return this.view.$(".nsfw-shield")
-         }
-      });
-      it("contains a shield element", function(){
-        expect(this.hiddenPosts().length).toBe(1)
-      });
-      it("does not contain a shield element when nsfw is false", function(){
-        this.statusMessage.set({nsfw: false});
-        this.view.render();
-        expect(this.hiddenPosts()).not.toExist();
-      })
-      context("showing a single post", function(){
-        it("removes the shields when the post is clicked", function(){
-          expect(this.hiddenPosts()).toExist();
-          this.view.$(".nsfw-shield .show_nsfw_post").click();
-          expect(this.hiddenPosts()).not.toExist();
-        });
-      });
-      context("clicking the toggle nsfw link toggles it on the user", function(){
-        it("calls toggleNsfw on the user", function(){
-          spyOn(app.user(), "toggleNsfwState")
-          this.view.$(".toggle_nsfw_state").first().click();
-          expect(app.user().toggleNsfwState).toHaveBeenCalled();
-        });
-      })
-    })
-    context("user views their own post", function(){
-      beforeEach(function(){
-        this.statusMessage.set({ author: {
-          id : app.user().id
-        }});
-        this.view = new app.views.Post({model : this.statusMessage}).render();
-      })
-      it("contains remove post", function(){
-        expect(this.view.$(".remove_post")).toExist();
-      })
-      it("destroys the view when they delete a their post from the show page", function(){
-        spyOn(window, "confirm").andReturn(true);
-        this.view.$(".remove_post").click();
-        expect(window.confirm).toHaveBeenCalled();
-        expect(this.view).not.toExist();
-      })
-    })
-    context("markdown rendering", function() {
-      beforeEach(function() {
-        // example from issue #2665
-        this.evilUrl  = "http://www.bürgerentscheid-krankenhäuser.de";
-        this.asciiUrl = "http://www.xn--brgerentscheid-krankenhuser-xkc78d.de";
-      });
-      it("correctly handles non-ascii characters in urls", function() {
-        this.statusMessage.set({text: "<"+this.evilUrl+">"});
-        var view = new app.views.Post({model : this.statusMessage}).render();
-        expect($(view.el).html()).toContain(this.asciiUrl);
-        expect($(view.el).html()).toContain(this.evilUrl);
-      });
-      it("doesn't break link texts for non-ascii urls", function() {
-        var linkText = "check out this awesome link!";
-        this.statusMessage.set({text: "["+linkText+"]("+this.evilUrl+")"});
-        var view = new app.views.Post({model: this.statusMessage}).render();
-        expect($(view.el).html()).toContain(this.asciiUrl);
-        expect($(view.el).html()).toContain(linkText);
-      });
-      it("doesn't break reference style links for non-ascii urls", function() {
-        var postContent = "blabla blab [my special link][1] bla blabla\n\n[1]: "+this.evilUrl+" and an optional title)";
-        this.statusMessage.set({text: postContent});
-        var view = new app.views.Post({model: this.statusMessage}).render();
-        expect($(view.el).html()).not.toContain(this.evilUrl);
-        expect($(view.el).html()).toContain(this.asciiUrl);
-      });
-      it("correctly handles images with non-ascii urls", function() {
-        var postContent = "![logo](http://bündnis-für-krankenhäuser.de/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/cropped-logohp.jpg)";
-        var niceImg = '"http://xn--bndnis-fr-krankenhuser-i5b27cha.de/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/cropped-logohp.jpg"';
-        this.statusMessage.set({text: postContent});
-        var view = new app.views.Post({model: this.statusMessage}).render();
-        expect($(view.el).html()).toContain(niceImg);
-      });
-    });
-  })
+  //check out StreamPost
diff --git a/spec/javascripts/app/views/stream_post_spec.js b/spec/javascripts/app/views/stream_post_spec.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7b0f545f67e86393292ef71127ea2684ca99f6fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/javascripts/app/views/stream_post_spec.js
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+describe("app.views.StreamPost", function(){
+  beforeEach(function(){
+    this.PostViewClass = app.views.StreamPost
+  })
+  describe("#render", function(){
+    beforeEach(function(){
+      loginAs({name: "alice", avatar : {small : "http://avatar.com/photo.jpg"}});
+      Diaspora.I18n.loadLocale({stream : {
+        reshares : {
+          one : "<%= count %> reshare",
+          other : "<%= count %> reshares"
+        },
+        likes : {
+          zero : "<%= count %> Likes",
+          one : "<%= count %> Like",
+          other : "<%= count %> Likes"
+        }
+      }})
+      var posts = $.parseJSON(spec.readFixture("stream_json"))["posts"];
+      this.collection = new app.collections.Posts(posts);
+      this.statusMessage = this.collection.models[0];
+      this.reshare = this.collection.models[1];
+    })
+    context("reshare", function(){
+      it("displays a reshare count", function(){
+        this.statusMessage.set({reshares_count : 2})
+        var view = new this.PostViewClass({model : this.statusMessage}).render();
+        expect($(view.el).html()).toContain(Diaspora.I18n.t('stream.reshares', {count: 2}))
+      })
+      it("does not display a reshare count for 'zero'", function(){
+        this.statusMessage.set({reshares_count : 0})
+        var view = new this.PostViewClass({model : this.statusMessage}).render();
+        expect($(view.el).html()).not.toContain("0 Reshares")
+      })
+    })
+    context("likes", function(){
+      it("displays a like count", function(){
+        this.statusMessage.set({likes_count : 1})
+        var view = new this.PostViewClass({model : this.statusMessage}).render();
+        expect($(view.el).html()).toContain(Diaspora.I18n.t('stream.likes', {count: 1}))
+      })
+      it("does not display a like count for 'zero'", function(){
+        this.statusMessage.set({likes_count : 0})
+        var view = new this.PostViewClass({model : this.statusMessage}).render();
+        expect($(view.el).html()).not.toContain("0 Likes")
+      })
+    })
+    context("embed_html", function(){
+      it("provides oembed html from the model response", function(){
+        this.statusMessage.set({"o_embed_cache" : {
+          "data" : {
+            "html" : "some html"
+          }
+        }})
+        var view = new app.views.Content({model : this.statusMessage});
+        expect(view.presenter().o_embed_html).toContain("some html")
+      })
+      it("does not provide oembed html from the model response if none is present", function(){
+        this.statusMessage.set({"o_embed_cache" : null})
+        var view = new app.views.Content({model : this.statusMessage});
+        expect(view.presenter().o_embed_html).toBe("");
+      })
+    })
+    context("user not signed in", function(){
+      it("does not provide a Feedback view", function(){
+        logout()
+        var view = new this.PostViewClass({model : this.statusMessage}).render();
+        expect(view.feedbackView()).toBeFalsy();
+      })
+    })
+    context("NSFW", function(){
+      beforeEach(function(){
+        this.statusMessage.set({nsfw: true});
+        this.view = new this.PostViewClass({model : this.statusMessage}).render();
+        this.hiddenPosts = function(){
+          return this.view.$(".nsfw-shield")
+        }
+      });
+      it("contains a shield element", function(){
+        expect(this.hiddenPosts().length).toBe(1)
+      });
+      it("does not contain a shield element when nsfw is false", function(){
+        this.statusMessage.set({nsfw: false});
+        this.view.render();
+        expect(this.hiddenPosts()).not.toExist();
+      })
+      context("showing a single post", function(){
+        it("removes the shields when the post is clicked", function(){
+          expect(this.hiddenPosts()).toExist();
+          this.view.$(".nsfw-shield .show_nsfw_post").click();
+          expect(this.hiddenPosts()).not.toExist();
+        });
+      });
+      context("clicking the toggle nsfw link toggles it on the user", function(){
+        it("calls toggleNsfw on the user", function(){
+          spyOn(app.user(), "toggleNsfwState")
+          this.view.$(".toggle_nsfw_state").first().click();
+          expect(app.user().toggleNsfwState).toHaveBeenCalled();
+        });
+      })
+    })
+    context("user views their own post", function(){
+      beforeEach(function(){
+        this.statusMessage.set({ author: {
+          id : app.user().id
+        }});
+        this.view = new this.PostViewClass({model : this.statusMessage}).render();
+      })
+      it("contains remove post", function(){
+        expect(this.view.$(".remove_post")).toExist();
+      })
+      it("destroys the view when they delete a their post from the show page", function(){
+        spyOn(window, "confirm").andReturn(true);
+        this.view.$(".remove_post").click();
+        expect(window.confirm).toHaveBeenCalled();
+        expect(this.view).not.toExist();
+      })
+    })
+  })