diff --git a/features/step_definitions/trumpeter_steps.rb b/features/step_definitions/trumpeter_steps.rb
index 378d30aeb22b31a9960973a1d1872576ff720843..999ef806bc029a288715007ee2f51e5a707e8ada 100644
--- a/features/step_definitions/trumpeter_steps.rb
+++ b/features/step_definitions/trumpeter_steps.rb
@@ -41,13 +41,23 @@ Then /^"([^"]*)" should be a (limited|public) post in my stream$/ do |post_text,
 When /^I upload a fixture picture with filename "([^"]*)"$/ do |file_name|
+  orig_photo_count = all(".photos img").size
   within ".new_photo" do
     attach_file "photo[user_file]", Rails.root.join("spec", "fixtures", file_name)
+    wait_until { all(".photos img").size == orig_photo_count + 1 }
-  @image_source = find(".photos img")["src"]
+  @image_sources ||= {}
+  @image_sources[file_name] = all(".photos img").last["src"]
+  @image_sources[file_name].should be_present
+Then /^"([^"]*)" should have the "([^"]*)" picture$/ do |post_text, file_name|
+  image = find_post_by_text(post_text).find(".photo_attachments img[src='#{@image_sources[file_name]}']")
+  image.should be_present
-Then /^"([^"]*)" should have my photo$/ do |status_text|
-  find_post_by_text(status_text).find(".photo_attachments img")["src"].should == @image_source
+Then /^"([^"]*)" should have (\d+) pictures$/ do |post_text, number_of_pictures|
+  find_post_by_text(post_text).all(".photo_attachments img").size.should == number_of_pictures.to_i
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/features/trumpeter.feature b/features/trumpeter.feature
index eac163fc598779dad5e6f25bf5854fd890d1ba1e..f33cc68186bb8eb6d406b56dc9b6470a8e553b27 100644
--- a/features/trumpeter.feature
+++ b/features/trumpeter.feature
@@ -5,13 +5,15 @@ Feature: Creating a new post
     And I sign in as "bob@bob.bob"
     And I trumpet
-  Scenario: Posting a public message
-    And I write "Rectangles are awesome"
+  Scenario: Posting a public message with a photo
+    And I write "I love RMS"
     When I select "Public" in my aspects dropdown
+    And I upload a fixture picture with filename "button.gif"
     When I press "Share"
     When I go to "/stream"
-    Then I should see "Rectangles are awesome" as the first post in my stream
-    And "Rectangles are awesome" should be a public post in my stream
+    Then I should see "I love RMS" as the first post in my stream
+    And "I love RMS" should be a public post in my stream
+    Then "I love RMS" should have the "button.gif" picture
   Scenario: Posting to Aspects
     And I write "This is super skrunkle"
@@ -29,9 +31,10 @@ Feature: Creating a new post
    And I go to "/stream"
    Then I follow "Alice Smith"
-  Scenario: Uploading a photo
-    When I write "check out this picture"
+  Scenario: Uploading multiple photos
+    When I write "check out these pictures"
+    And I upload a fixture picture with filename "button.gif"
     And I upload a fixture picture with filename "button.gif"
     And I press "Share"
     And I go to "/stream"
-    Then "check out this picture" should have my photo
+    Then "check out these pictures" should have 2 pictures