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Snippets Groups Projects
  1. Dec 15, 2016
  2. Dec 13, 2016
    • tchncs's avatar
      update submodule darkage · b733b197
      tchncs authored
    • Milan's avatar
      merge upstream :cat: · 59d5b8b4
      Milan authored
    • Milan's avatar
      flowers should be a lightsource · 4e28d90d
      Milan authored
    • paramat's avatar
      Default: Add missing 'default_dig_snappy' sound · 55a16cd2
      paramat authored
      Some nodes with the snappy group (wool, glass pane, seeds) were missing
      sound when dug with a sword.
      Adding the sound causes it to be used for glass pane, so define a 'dig'
      sound in the 'node sound glass defaults' table, use the footstep sound.
      Adding the sound also causes it to be used for seeds which deliberately
      have no dig sound, so add an empty sound override for seed dig.
      Reduce the gain of the glass footstep sound which was excessively loud.
      Add some freesound members to license.txt.
  3. Dec 07, 2016
    • paramat's avatar
      Carts: Stronger handbrake · 3e585299
      paramat authored
      Handbrake was barely noticeable and fairly useless.
      Equalisng with brake rail deceleration makes it more intuitive to use
      and easier to judge stopping distance.
    • HybridDog's avatar
      Furnace: Make furnaces work when unloaded · 4a5206e3
      HybridDog authored
      This is slightly modified after #1279 - the setting for furnace
      timer was removed and hardcoded to 1.0s, which is the old furnace
      timer interval.
    • paramat's avatar
      Fire: Rewrite fire sound code · fed2151d
      paramat authored
      Previous code:
      Used looped sounds without attaching them to objects or playing direct
      to players.
      The looped sounds are not 'stopped' when players leave the area.
      These may be causing the bug where sounds are heard at extreme
      Entering a world with already present flames results in silent flames.
      Sounds are often played at a large number of points in a 6 node lattice.
      A large fire is reported to cause a high load, disabling the sound code
      is reported to help this.
      New code:
      Optional flame sound to not interfere with ambience mods.
      Permanent flame now has sound.
      For multiple flames, sound is positioned at the centre of all flames, and
      has volume determined by flame number.
      The original freesound 'large fire' recording was used to create 3 sounds
      that play at random for a non-repetitive effect. At low volume it is
      suitable for small fires.
      Original sound files and sound function (as an empty function) kept
      temporarily to reduce disruption.
      Reduce gain of flame extinguish sound.
  4. Dec 05, 2016
  5. Dec 04, 2016
    • tchncs's avatar
      experimental: add submodule chat_bubbles :o · 530b6017
      tchncs authored
    • paramat's avatar
      Default: Convert remaining indexed leaves to RGBA · 7998de67
      paramat authored
      Some GPUs cause visual bugs when mip-mapping is used with indexed textures
      that use alpha. Because leaves are sometimes rendered opaque it is even
      more important to keep these as RGBA to preserve the correct background
    • paramat's avatar
      Default/flowers: Improve papyrus and waterlily schematics · fc791d80
      paramat authored
      Make base node dirt instead of dirt_with_grass. Formerly the exposed
      dirt would change to grass but the new grass spread ABM now prevents that.
      Don't specify a water_source node in the schematic, as it may be used in
      river water. It was not force-placed but should really be "air" prob = 0.
    • Napiophelios's avatar
      Xpanes: Improve bars texture · e67a6037
      Napiophelios authored
    • Auke Kok's avatar
      Farming: Change wheat into # shaped plant · ea9c4012
      Auke Kok authored
      This changes the farming API such that any nodedef with paramtype2
      and place_param2 are passed through to all the plant stages of the
      farming plant.
      This allows plants to use an alternative mesh for the plantlike
      drawtype, and provide a bit of graphical variation in plants.
      We enable this for wheat, using place_param2 = 3, which is the '#'
      shaped plant mesh. If you would actually be able to give yourself
      this plant in creative or through /give, you would also get the
      same '#' shape.
    • Auke Kok's avatar
      Torches: Make selection boxes consistent · d7f176df
      Auke Kok authored
      This makes all the 3d torch selection boxes 1px oversized. Before,
      they were inconsistently sized and too small for the upright torch.
  6. Dec 03, 2016
    • Wuzzy's avatar
      Default: Make Book with Text a furnace fuel · c5f11d74
      Wuzzy authored
    • paramat's avatar
      Default / flowers: New biomes. Limit dirt blobs. Add corals, bushes · 42afe679
      paramat authored
      Add 'sandstone desert', 'cold desert', 'snowy grassland'.
      Rename 'glacier' biome to 'icesheet' biome.
      Rename non-swamp 'swamp' biomes to 'shore' biomes.
      Remove 'sandstone grassland' biome.
      Rename 'stone grassland' biome to 'grassland' biome.
      Edit biome points for improved similarity to Whittaker classification.
      Change 'tundra' to bare stone with snowblocks.
      Make dirt 'swamp' / 'shore' less deep.
      Make dirt blob ore biome-specific, limit to dirt biomes.
      Make mushroom noise spread match that of appletrees as originally intended,
      to have mushrooms spawn in darker thicker forest areas.
      Add coral reefs in warm oceans.
      Add bushes and acacia bushes.
      Jungletrees in deeper water for larger swamps.
      Register flower mod decorations in singlenode mapgen for use by
      minetest.generate_registered_decorations, as in default/mapgen.lua.
  7. Dec 01, 2016
  8. Nov 30, 2016
    • paramat's avatar
      Boats / carts: Fix and improve on_punch functions · f06f66cc
      paramat authored
      Previously, boats were not added to inventory in creative mode, fix.
      In creative mode multiple boats will not be added to inventory.
      Add comment.
      Set speed to 2 if punched by a non-player, to match the effect of a
      player punch.
      Add comments.
  9. Nov 28, 2016
  10. Nov 27, 2016
  11. Nov 26, 2016
    • paramat's avatar
      Farming/fire: Add tool break sounds · e8376215
      paramat authored
      Add tool break sounds to hoes and flint and steel.
      Flint and steel: Reduce gain of use sound and only add tool wear
      if not in creative mode.
  12. Nov 25, 2016
    • Rogier's avatar
      Default: Several improvements of character model · fd87b04f
      Rogier authored
      - Improve arms attachment
        The arm bones were at an angle, so that the bones were difficult
        to orient correctly, as unintuitive combinations of angles
        would be needed to get the default orientation, or any other
        acceptable orientation. Moreover, a simple rotation of the arm,
        e.g. forward, would require all angles to be adapted, instead
        of just one.
        The ends of the arms bones were moved from touching the body, to
        the center of the arm, at an equal distance from the sides of the
        arm and the shoulder; the arm bone is now in the center of the arm.
      - Fix body rotation
        The body was rotated 180° while the rest wasn't, leading to
        strange results when setting bone positions manually.
      - Fix default rotation of limbs (manually positioning them in
        their default position would require an 180° rotation).
        Is is not know how this was fixed. Maybe just because the
        model was re-exported.
      - The bone of the cape was moved to the center of the cape (it was
        at the edge). For some reason this fixed the 180° rotation of the
        cape when it was manually positioned (similar to previous issue).
      The changes above fix most of the issues mentioned in #1376
      - Add a player-model-specific workaround for the problem described in:
        During walking, attached tools would randomly switch hands. Walking also
        happens to be the only animation where the body does not move. Making the
        body move an imperceptible amount makes the issue disappear for the player
      - Fix body vertex group: it no longer includes parts of arms and legs
      Thanks to @stujones11 for these last two changes.
    • Auke Kok's avatar
      Keys: Allow easy sharing of access without commands · e4b1c935
      Auke Kok authored
      This code adds the key concept to minetest_game, and integrates it
      with lockable nodes. Currently supported lockable items are the Steel
      Door, the Steel Trapdoor, and the Locked Chest.
      The goal of this modification is to introduce a fine-grained multi-
      player permission system that is intuitive and usable without any
      console or chat commands, and doesn't require extra privileges to
      be granted or setup. Keys can also physically be conveyed to other
      players, adding to gameplay and adding some personality that is
      preferable to console commands or editing formspecs.
      A skeleton key can be crafted with 1 gold ingot. Skeleton keys can
      then be matched to a lockable node by right-clicking the skeleton
      key on a lockable node, which changes the skeleton key to a "key".
      Gold was chosen as it's currently a not-so very useful item, and
      therefore it's likely that players have some, but aren't really
      using it for any purpose.
      This key can subsequently used by any player to open or access that
      lockable node, including retrieving items from Locked Chests, or
      putting items in them.
      They key is programmed to fit only the particular locked node it is
      programmed to. This is achieved by storing a secret value in both
      key and locked node. If this secret value doesn't match, the key
      will not open the locked node. This allows many keys to be created
      for one chest or door, but a key will only fit one node ever. The
      secrets are stored in node, and item meta for the key.
      If a locked node is removed, all keys that opened it are no longer
      valid. Even if a new door/chest is placed in exactly the same spot,
      the old keys will no longer fit that node.
      Keys can be smelted back in gold ingots if they are no longer useful.
      The method of storing a secret in nodemeta and itemstackmeta is secure
      as there is no way for the client to create new items on the server
      with a particular secret metadata value. Even if you could possible
      create such an itemstack on the client, the server does not ever read
      itemstackmeta from a client package.
      The patch adds an API that allows other nodes and nodes added by
      mods to use the same keys as well. The method how to implement this
      is described in game_api.txt. The mod should add 2 callbacks to it's
      node definition. Example code is given.
      Textures are from PixelBOX, thanks to Gambit.
  13. Nov 24, 2016
    • sfan5's avatar
      Use travis' container-based infrastructure (#1314) · b0ae4882
      sfan5 authored
      Use travis' container-based infrastructure (no sudo)
    • Auke Kok's avatar
      Merge 'torches' mod as default:torch. · 0bd2efcf
      Auke Kok authored
      This merges the current state of the well-maintained and tested
      `torches` mod as I've maintained it for the last 6 months.
      This started out as a thorough cleanup of 3D torches by blockmen,
      where some of the initial code still remains.
      The models were redone entirely from scratch and have been extensively
      tested with dozens of animated textures converted with mcimport,
      and look a lot better than the original 3D Torches mod.
      The ceiling torch is retained and functional. The `wieldlight`
      addition that the torches mod has was removed, since it relies
      on wieldview to look decent. This can stay external mod code.
      I've opted to move the torch nodes to a separate file. It's not
      a lot of code but nodes.lua is already huge, and I wanted to
      retain the copyright header and some of the readme.txt notes,
      and this was the easiest way of doing it.
      This code passes "default:torch" to nodes with on_rightclick,
      fixing problems with itemframes. Essentially it has a more
      elaborate item_place() routine to make sure we're not passing
      the wall torch to nodes that may display it.
      The ceiling torch is a separate model and not the same as the
      floor model. That does mean that there are 3 models in this
  14. Nov 22, 2016
  15. Nov 21, 2016