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  • Rogier's avatar
    Fix crash when attached object no longer exists · 1980d9ea
    Rogier authored
    Active objects that are attached to other objects are not safe
    from deletion. As a result, the parent object may have a reference
    to an id of a child's that no longer exists.
    If at some point an attempt is made to manipulate the child,
    enviromment->getActiveObject(child-id) returns NULL. Using the
    NULL pointer causes the crash...
    Fix crash when attached object no longer exists
    Rogier authored
    Active objects that are attached to other objects are not safe
    from deletion. As a result, the parent object may have a reference
    to an id of a child's that no longer exists.
    If at some point an attempt is made to manipulate the child,
    enviromment->getActiveObject(child-id) returns NULL. Using the
    NULL pointer causes the crash...