Perttu Ahola authoredPerttu Ahola authored
irrlichtwrapper.cpp 5.02 KiB
#include "irrlichtwrapper.h"
#include "constants.h"
IrrlichtWrapper::IrrlichtWrapper(IrrlichtDevice *device)
m_main_thread = get_current_thread_id();
m_device = device;
void IrrlichtWrapper::Run()
Fetch textures
if(m_get_texture_queue.size() > 0)
GetRequest<TextureSpec, video::ITexture*, u8, u8>
request = m_get_texture_queue.pop();
dstream<<"got texture request with key.name="
GetResult<TextureSpec, video::ITexture*, u8, u8>
result.key = request.key;
result.callers = request.callers;
result.item = getTextureDirect(request.key);
video::ITexture* IrrlichtWrapper::getTexture(TextureSpec spec)
video::ITexture *t = m_texturecache.get(spec.name);
if(t != NULL)
return t;
if(get_current_thread_id() == m_main_thread)
dstream<<"Getting texture directly: name="
t = getTextureDirect(spec);
// We're gonna ask the result to be put into here
ResultQueue<TextureSpec, video::ITexture*, u8, u8> result_queue;
// Throw a request in
m_get_texture_queue.add(spec, 0, 0, &result_queue);
dstream<<"Waiting for texture from main thread: "
// Wait result for a second
GetResult<TextureSpec, video::ITexture*, u8, u8>
result = result_queue.pop_front(1000);
// Check that at least something worked OK
assert(result.key.name == spec.name);
t = result.item;
catch(ItemNotFoundException &e)
dstream<<"Waiting for texture timed out."<<std::endl;
t = NULL;
// Add to cache and return
m_texturecache.set(spec.name, t);
return t;
video::ITexture* IrrlichtWrapper::getTexture(const std::string &path)
return getTexture(TextureSpec(path, path, NULL));
Non-thread-safe functions
video::ITexture* IrrlichtWrapper::getTextureDirect(TextureSpec spec)
video::IVideoDriver* driver = m_device->getVideoDriver();
if(spec.mod == NULL)
dstream<<"IrrlichtWrapper::getTextureDirect: Loading texture "
return driver->getTexture(spec.path.c_str());
dstream<<"IrrlichtWrapper::getTextureDirect: Loading and modifying "
"texture "<<spec.path<<" to make "<<spec.name<<std::endl;
video::ITexture *base = driver->getTexture(spec.path.c_str());
video::ITexture *result = spec.mod->make(base, spec.name.c_str(), driver);
delete spec.mod;
return result;
video::ITexture * CrackTextureMod::make(video::ITexture *original,
const char *newname, video::IVideoDriver* driver)
core::dimension2d<u32> dim(16, 16);
core::position2d<s32> pos_base(0, 0);
core::position2d<s32> pos_other(0, 16 * progression);
video::IImage *baseimage = driver->createImage(original, pos_base, dim);
video::ITexture *other = driver->getTexture("../data/crack.png");
dstream<<__FUNCTION_NAME<<": crack texture size is "
// We have to get the whole texture because getting a smaller area
// messes the whole thing. It is probably a bug in Irrlicht.
// NOTE: This doesn't work probably because some systems scale
// the image to fit a texture or something...
video::IImage *otherimage = driver->createImage(
other, core::position2d<s32>(0,0), other->getSize());
// This should work on more systems
// - no, it doesn't, output is more random.
/*video::IImage *otherimage = driver->createImage(
other, core::position2d<s32>(0,0),
v2u32(16, CRACK_ANIMATION_LENGTH * 16));*/
/*core::rect<s32> clip_rect(v2s32(0,0), dim);
otherimage->copyToWithAlpha(baseimage, v2s32(0,0),
core::rect<s32>(pos_other, dim),
otherimage->copyToWithAlpha(baseimage, v2s32(0,0),
core::rect<s32>(pos_other, dim),
video::ITexture *newtexture = driver->addTexture(newname, baseimage);
return newtexture;
video::ITexture * ProgressBarTextureMod::make(video::ITexture *original,
const char *newname, video::IVideoDriver* driver)
core::position2d<s32> pos_base(0, 0);
core::dimension2d<u32> dim = original->getOriginalSize();
video::IImage *baseimage = driver->createImage(original, pos_base, dim);
core::dimension2d<u32> size = baseimage->getDimension();
u32 barheight = 1;
u32 barpad_x = 1;
u32 barpad_y = 1;
u32 barwidth = size.Width - barpad_x*2;
v2u32 barpos(barpad_x, size.Height - barheight - barpad_y);
u32 barvalue_i = (u32)(((float)barwidth * value) + 0.5);
video::SColor active(255,255,0,0);
video::SColor inactive(255,0,0,0);
for(u32 x0=0; x0<barwidth; x0++)
video::SColor *c;
if(x0 < barvalue_i)
c = &active;
c = &inactive;
u32 x = x0 + barpos.X;
for(u32 y=barpos.Y; y<barpos.Y+barheight; y++)
baseimage->setPixel(x,y, *c);
video::ITexture *newtexture = driver->addTexture(newname, baseimage);
return newtexture;