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  • Illuna-Minetest/moreores
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root = true
charset = utf-8
end_of_line = lf
indent_style = space
indent_size = 2
insert_final_newline = true
trim_trailing_whitespace = true
indent_style = tab
indent_size = 4
std = "lua51+minetest"
unused_args = false
allow_defined_top = true
max_line_length = 90
stds.minetest = {
read_globals = {
table = {
fields = {
read_globals = {
- repo:
rev: v2.3.0
- id: end-of-file-fixer
- id: trailing-whitespace
- id: mixed-line-ending
args: [--fix=lf]
- repo:
rev: v1.0.0
- id: luacheck
dist: bionic
language: python
- 3.7.1
- sudo apt-get update -qq
- sudo apt-get install -qqq luarocks
- pip3 install pre-commit
- luarocks install --local luacheck
# All linters are run with pre-commit hooks
- export PATH="$HOME/.luarocks/bin:$PATH"
- pre-commit run --all-files
# Change Log
# Changelog
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](
and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](
and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
## [1.0.0] - 2017-02-19
## [Unreleased]
- Initial versioned release.
\ No newline at end of file
### Added
- More Ores tools now have [`toolranks`]( support.
- Hungarian translation.
### Changed
- Migrated translations to the
[Minetest translation file format](
## [2.0.0] - 2019-11-25
### Added
- More Ores nodes/items/tools can now be placed in item frames
from the [`frame`]( mod.
- Polish translation.
### Changed
- The minimum supported Minetest version is now 5.0.0.
- Copper rails are now registered using functions from the `carts` mod,
making them interoperate seamlessly with default rails.
- Copper rails can no longer be placed in the air.
## [1.1.0] - 2019-03-23
### Added
- Brazilian and Dutch translations.
### Changed
- Ores are now slower to mine and cannot be mined using wooden tools anymore.
- Updated intllib support to avoid using deprecated functions.
### Deprecated
- Deprecated hoes to follow Minetest Game's deprecation of hoes
made of "rare" materials.
- Hoes are still available in existing worlds, but they
cannot be crafted anymore.
### Fixed
- Hoes now use the `farming` mod's handling function and can no longer
turn desert sand into dirt.
- Handle tin which is now included in [Minetest Game](
If it is detected, then the tin nodes and items from More Ores won't be registered.
## 1.0.0 - 2017-02-19
- Initial versioned release.
# Contribution Guide
# Contributing to More Ores
Thank you for your interest in this mod! Before contributing, be sure to know
about these few guidelines:
Thank you for your interest in More Ores! Before contributing,
be sure to know about these few guidelines:
- Contributions have to be under the zlib license (or compatible) for code,
and CC BY-SA 3.0 license (or compatible) for assets.
- Make sure to update the change log, keeping the
[change log format]( we use.
- Contributions have to be licensed under the zlib license (or compatible)
for code, and CC BY-SA 3.0 (or compatible) for assets.
- Make sure to update the changelog, keeping the
[changelog format]( we use.
- Don't bump the version yourself. Maintainers will do this when necessary.
# zlib license
Copyright (c) 2011-2017 Hugo Locurcio and contributors
Copyright © 2011-2020 Hugo Locurcio and contributors
**This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.**
# More Ores
More Ores for [Minetest](, a free and open source infinite
More Ores for [Minetest](, a free and open source infinite
world block sandbox game.
To install, just clone this repository into your "mods" directory.
[**Forum topic**](
More Ores code is licensed under the zlib license, textures are by Calinou and are licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 Unported.
## Installation
**Forum topic:** <>
### Download the mod
To install More Ores, clone this Git repository into your Minetest's `mods/`
git clone
You can also
[download a ZIP archive](
of More Ores.
### Enable the mod
Once you have installed More Ores, you need to enable it in Minetest.
The procedure is as follows:
#### Using the client's main menu
This is the easiest way to enable More Ores when playing in singleplayer
(or on a server hosted from a client).
1. Start Minetest and switch to the **Local Game** tab.
2. Select the world you want to enable More Ores in.
3. Click **Configure**, then enable `moreores` by double-clicking it
(or ticking the **Enabled** checkbox).
4. Save the changes, then start a game on the world you enabled More Ores on.
5. More Ores should now be running on your world.
#### Using a text editor
This is the recommended way to enable the mod on a server without using a GUI.
1. Make sure Minetest is not currently running (otherwise, it will overwrite
the changes when exiting).
2. Open the world's `` file using a text editor.
3. Add the following line at the end of the file:
load_mod_moreores = true
If the line is already present in the file, then replace `false` with `true`
on that line.
4. Save the file, then start a game on the world you enabled More Ores on.
5. More Ores should now be running on your world.
## Version compatibility
More Ores is currently primarily tested with Minetest 5.1.0.
It may or may not work with newer or older versions. Issues arising in older
versions than 5.0.0 will generally not be fixed.
## License
Copyright © 2011-2020 Hugo Locurcio and contributors
- More Ores code is licensed under the zlib license, see
[``]( for details.
- Unless otherwise specified, More Ores textures are licensed under
[CC BY-SA 3.0 Unported](
Adds new Ore types.
......@@ -3,91 +3,74 @@
** More Ores **
By Calinou, with the help of Nore.
Copyright (c) 2011-2017 Hugo Locurcio and contributors.
Copyright © 2011-2020 Hugo Locurcio and contributors.
Licensed under the zlib license. See for more information.
moreores = {}
local default_tin = false
if minetest.registered_items["default:tin_ingot"] then
default_tin = true
local S
if minetest.get_modpath("intllib") then
S = intllib.Getter()
S = function(s) return s end
local modpath = minetest.get_modpath("moreores")
local S = minetest.get_translator("moreores")
moreores.S = S
dofile(modpath .. "/_config.txt")
-- `mg` support:
-- `mg` mapgen support
if minetest.get_modpath("mg") then
dofile(modpath .. "/mg.lua")
-- Utility functions
-- =================
-- `frame` support
local use_frame = minetest.get_modpath("frame")
local default_stone_sounds = default.node_sound_stone_defaults()
local default_metal_sounds = default.node_sound_metal_defaults()
local function hoe_on_use(itemstack, user, pointed_thing, uses)
local pt = pointed_thing
-- Check if pointing at a node:
if not pt then
if pt.type ~= "node" then
local under = minetest.get_node(pt.under)
local pos = {x = pt.under.x, y = pt.under.y + 1, z = pt.under.z}
local above = minetest.get_node(pos)
-- Return if any of the nodes is not registered:
if not minetest.registered_nodes[] then return end
if not minetest.registered_nodes[] then return end
-- Check if the node above the pointed thing is air:
if ~= "air" then return end
-- Check if pointing at dirt:
if minetest.get_item_group(, "soil") ~= 1 then return end
-- Turn the node into soil, wear out item and play sound:
minetest.set_node(pt.under, {name ="farming:soil"})
minetest.sound_play("default_dig_crumbly", {pos = pt.under, gain = 0.5})
itemstack:add_wear(65535 / (uses - 1))
return itemstack
local function get_recipe(c, name)
if name == "sword" then
return {{c}, {c}, {"group:stick"}}
if name == "shovel" then
return {{c}, {"group:stick"}, {"group:stick"}}
-- Returns the crafting recipe table for a given material and item.
local function get_recipe(material, item)
if item == "sword" then
return {
if name == "axe" then
return {{c, c}, {c, "group:stick"}, {"", "group:stick"}}
if item == "shovel" then
return {
if name == "pick" then
return {{c, c, c}, {"", "group:stick", ""}, {"", "group:stick", ""}}
if item == "axe" then
return {
{material, material},
{material, "group:stick"},
{"", "group:stick"},
if name == "hoe" then
return {{c, c}, {"", "group:stick"}, {"", "group:stick"}}
if item == "pick" then
return {
{material, material, material},
{"", "group:stick", ""},
{"", "group:stick", ""},
if name == "block" then
return {{c, c, c}, {c, c, c}, {c, c, c}}
if item == "block" then
return {
{material, material, material},
{material, material, material},
{material, material, material},
if name == "lockedchest" then
return {{"group:wood", "group:wood", "group:wood"}, {"group:wood", c, "group:wood"}, {"group:wood", "group:wood", "group:wood"}}
if item == "lockedchest" then
return {
{"group:wood", "group:wood", "group:wood"},
{"group:wood", material, "group:wood"},
{"group:wood", "group:wood", "group:wood"},
......@@ -99,24 +82,27 @@ local function add_ore(modname, description, mineral_name, oredef)
local item_base = tool_base .. mineral_name
local ingot = item_base .. "_ingot"
local lump_item = item_base .. "_lump"
local ingotcraft = ingot
if oredef.makes.ore then
minetest.register_node(modname .. ":mineral_" .. mineral_name, {
description = S("%s Ore"):format(S(description)),
description = S("@1 Ore", S(description)),
tiles = {"default_stone.png^" .. modname .. "_mineral_" .. mineral_name .. ".png"},
groups = {cracky = 3},
groups = {cracky = 2},
sounds = default_stone_sounds,
drop = lump_item
drop = lump_item,
if use_frame then
frame.register(modname .. ":mineral_" .. mineral_name)
if oredef.makes.block then
local block_item = item_base .. "_block"
minetest.register_node(block_item, {
description = S("%s Block"):format(S(description)),
tiles = { img_base .. "_block.png" },
groups = {snappy = 1, bendy = 2, cracky = 1, melty = 2, level= 2},
description = S("@1 Block", S(description)),
tiles = {img_base .. "_block.png"},
groups = {snappy = 1, bendy = 2, cracky = 1, melty = 2, level = 2},
sounds = default_metal_sounds,
minetest.register_alias(mineral_name.."_block", block_item)
......@@ -128,15 +114,18 @@ local function add_ore(modname, description, mineral_name, oredef)
minetest.register_craft( {
output = ingot .. " 9",
recipe = {
{ block_item }
if use_frame then
if oredef.makes.lump then
minetest.register_craftitem(lump_item, {
description = S("%s Lump"):format(S(description)),
description = S("@1 Lump", S(description)),
inventory_image = img_base .. "_lump.png",
minetest.register_alias(mineral_name .. "_lump", lump_item)
......@@ -144,17 +133,23 @@ local function add_ore(modname, description, mineral_name, oredef)
type = "cooking",
output = ingot,
recipe = lump_item
recipe = lump_item,
if use_frame then
if oredef.makes.ingot then
minetest.register_craftitem(ingot, {
description = S("%s Ingot"):format(S(description)),
description = S("@1 Ingot", S(description)),
inventory_image = img_base .. "_ingot.png",
minetest.register_alias(mineral_name .. "_ingot", ingot)
if use_frame then
if oredef.makes.chest then
......@@ -162,7 +157,7 @@ local function add_ore(modname, description, mineral_name, oredef)
output = "default:chest_locked",
recipe = {
minetest.register_craft( {
......@@ -183,88 +178,103 @@ local function add_ore(modname, description, mineral_name, oredef)
inventory_image = toolimg_base .. tool_name .. ".png",
tool_capabilities = {
max_drop_level = 3,
groupcaps = tooldef
groupcaps = tooldef,
sound = {breaks = "default_tool_breaks"},
sound = {breaks = "default_tool_breaks"},
if tool_name == "sword" then
tdef.tool_capabilities.full_punch_interval = oredef.full_punch_interval
tdef.tool_capabilities.damage_groups = oredef.damage_groups
tdef.description = S("%s Sword"):format(S(description))
tdef.description = S("@1 Sword", S(description))
if tool_name == "pick" then
tdef.tool_capabilities.full_punch_interval = oredef.full_punch_interval
tdef.tool_capabilities.damage_groups = oredef.damage_groups
tdef.description = S("%s Pickaxe"):format(S(description))
tdef.description = S("@1 Pickaxe", S(description))
if tool_name == "axe" then
tdef.tool_capabilities.full_punch_interval = oredef.full_punch_interval
tdef.tool_capabilities.damage_groups = oredef.damage_groups
tdef.description = S("%s Axe"):format(S(description))
tdef.description = S("@1 Axe", S(description))
if tool_name == "shovel" then
tdef.full_punch_interval = oredef.full_punch_interval
tdef.tool_capabilities.damage_groups = oredef.damage_groups
tdef.description = S("%s Shovel"):format(S(description))
tdef.wield_image = toolimg_base .. tool_name .. ".png^[transformR90"
tdef.description = S("@1 Shovel", S(description))
tdef.wield_image = toolimg_base .. tool_name .. ".png^[transformR90"
local fulltool_name = tool_base .. tool_name .. tool_post
if tool_name == "hoe" and minetest.get_modpath("farming") then
tdef.max_uses = tooldef.uses
tdef.description = S("@1 Hoe", S(description))
farming.register_hoe(fulltool_name, tdef)
if tool_name == "hoe" then
tdef.description = S("%s Hoe"):format(S(description))
local uses = tooldef.uses
tooldef.uses = nil
tdef.on_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing)
return hoe_on_use(itemstack, user, pointed_thing, uses)
-- Hoe registration is handled above.
-- There are no crafting recipes for hoes, as they have been
-- deprecated from Minetest Game:
if tool_name ~= "hoe" then
minetest.register_tool(fulltool_name, tdef)
if oredef.makes.ingot then
output = fulltool_name,
recipe = get_recipe(ingot, tool_name)
local fulltool_name = tool_base .. tool_name .. tool_post
minetest.register_tool(fulltool_name, tdef)
-- Toolranks support
if minetest.get_modpath("toolranks") then
minetest.override_item(fulltool_name, {
original_description = tdef.description,
description = toolranks.create_description(tdef.description, 0, 1),
after_use = toolranks.new_afteruse})
minetest.register_alias(tool_name .. tool_post, fulltool_name)
if oredef.makes.ingot then
output = fulltool_name,
recipe = get_recipe(ingot, tool_name)
if use_frame then
-- Add everything:
local modname = "moreores"
local oredefs = {
silver = {
description = "Silver",
makes = {ore = true, block = true, lump = true, ingot = true, chest = true},
oredef = {clust_scarcity = moreores.silver_chunk_size * moreores.silver_chunk_size * moreores.silver_chunk_size,
oredef = {
clust_scarcity = moreores.silver_chunk_size ^ 3,
clust_num_ores = moreores.silver_ore_per_chunk,
clust_size = moreores.silver_chunk_size,
y_min = moreores.silver_min_depth,
y_max = moreores.silver_max_depth
clust_size = moreores.silver_chunk_size,
y_min = moreores.silver_min_depth,
y_max = moreores.silver_max_depth,
tools = {
pick = {
cracky = {times = {[1] = 2.60, [2] = 1.00, [3] = 0.60}, uses = 100, maxlevel= 1}
cracky = {times = {[1] = 2.60, [2] = 1.00, [3] = 0.60}, uses = 100, maxlevel = 1},
hoe = {
uses = 300
uses = 300,
shovel = {
crumbly = {times = {[1] = 1.10, [2] = 0.40, [3] = 0.25}, uses = 100, maxlevel= 1}
crumbly = {times = {[1] = 1.10, [2] = 0.40, [3] = 0.25}, uses = 100, maxlevel = 1},
axe = {
choppy = {times = {[1] = 2.50, [2] = 0.80, [3] = 0.50}, uses = 100, maxlevel= 1},
fleshy = {times = {[2] = 1.10, [3] = 0.60}, uses = 100, maxlevel= 1}
choppy = {times = {[1] = 2.50, [2] = 0.80, [3] = 0.50}, uses = 100, maxlevel = 1},
fleshy = {times = {[2] = 1.10, [3] = 0.60}, uses = 100, maxlevel = 1}
sword = {
fleshy = {times = {[2] = 0.70, [3] = 0.30}, uses = 100, maxlevel= 1},
snappy = {times = {[2] = 0.70, [3] = 0.30}, uses = 100, maxlevel= 1},
choppy = {times = {[3] = 0.80}, uses = 100, maxlevel= 0}
fleshy = {times = {[2] = 0.70, [3] = 0.30}, uses = 100, maxlevel = 1},
snappy = {times = {[2] = 0.70, [3] = 0.30}, uses = 100, maxlevel = 1},
choppy = {times = {[3] = 0.80}, uses = 100, maxlevel = 0},
full_punch_interval = 1.0,
......@@ -273,115 +283,103 @@ local oredefs = {
mithril = {
description = "Mithril",
makes = {ore = true, block = true, lump = true, ingot = true, chest = false},
oredef = {clust_scarcity = moreores.mithril_chunk_size * moreores.mithril_chunk_size * moreores.mithril_chunk_size,
oredef = {
clust_scarcity = moreores.mithril_chunk_size ^ 3,
clust_num_ores = moreores.mithril_ore_per_chunk,
clust_size = moreores.mithril_chunk_size,
y_min = moreores.mithril_min_depth,
y_max = moreores.mithril_max_depth
clust_size = moreores.mithril_chunk_size,
y_min = moreores.mithril_min_depth,
y_max = moreores.mithril_max_depth,
tools = {
pick = {
cracky = {times={[1]=2.0, [2]=1.0, [3]=0.50}, uses=300, maxlevel=3}
cracky = {times = {[1] = 2, [2] = 1, [3] = 0.50}, uses = 300, maxlevel = 3}
hoe = {
uses = 1500
uses = 1500,
shovel = {
crumbly = {times = {[1] = 0.70, [2] = 0.35, [3] = 0.20}, uses = 300, maxlevel= 2}
crumbly = {times = {[1] = 0.70, [2] = 0.35, [3] = 0.20}, uses = 300, maxlevel = 2},
axe = {
choppy = {times = {[1] = 1.75, [2] = 0.45, [3] = 0.45}, uses = 300, maxlevel= 2},
fleshy = {times = {[2] = 0.95, [3] = 0.30}, uses = 300, maxlevel= 2}
choppy = {times = {[1] = 1.75, [2] = 0.45, [3] = 0.45}, uses = 300, maxlevel = 2},
fleshy = {times = {[2] = 0.95, [3] = 0.30}, uses = 300, maxlevel = 2}
sword = {
fleshy = {times = {[2] = 0.65, [3] = 0.25}, uses = 300, maxlevel= 2},
snappy = {times = {[2] = 0.70, [3] = 0.25}, uses = 300, maxlevel= 2},
choppy = {times = {[3] = 0.65}, uses = 300, maxlevel= 1}
fleshy = {times = {[2] = 0.65, [3] = 0.25}, uses = 300, maxlevel = 2},
snappy = {times = {[2] = 0.70, [3] = 0.25}, uses = 300, maxlevel = 2},
choppy = {times = {[3] = 0.65}, uses = 200, maxlevel = 0},
full_punch_interval = 0.1,
damage_groups = {fleshy = 9},
if not default_tin then
oredefs.tin = {
description = "Tin",
makes = {ore = true, block = true, lump = true, ingot = true, chest = false},
oredef = {clust_scarcity = moreores.tin_chunk_size * moreores.tin_chunk_size * moreores.tin_chunk_size,
clust_num_ores = moreores.tin_ore_per_chunk,
clust_size = moreores.tin_chunk_size,
y_min = moreores.tin_min_depth,
y_max = moreores.tin_max_depth
tools = {},
for orename,def in pairs(oredefs) do
add_ore(modname, def.description, orename, def)
-- If tin is available in the `default` mod, don't register More Ores' variant of tin
local default_tin
if minetest.registered_items["default:tin_ingot"] then
default_tin = true
default_tin = false
-- Copper rail (special node):
output = "moreores:copper_rail 24",
recipe = {
{"default:copper_ingot", "", "default:copper_ingot"},
{"default:copper_ingot", "group:stick", "default:copper_ingot"},
{"default:copper_ingot", "", "default:copper_ingot"}
if default_tin then
minetest.register_alias("moreores:mineral_tin", "default:stone_with_tin")
minetest.register_alias("moreores:tin_lump", "default:tin_lump")
minetest.register_alias("moreores:tin_ingot", "default:tin_ingot")
minetest.register_alias("moreores:tin_block", "default:tinblock")
-- Bronze has some special cases, because it is made from copper and tin:
minetest.register_craft( {
oredefs.tin = {
description = "Tin",
makes = {ore = true, block = true, lump = true, ingot = true, chest = false},
oredef = {
clust_scarcity = moreores.tin_chunk_size ^ 3,
clust_num_ores = moreores.tin_ore_per_chunk,
clust_size = moreores.tin_chunk_size,
y_min = moreores.tin_min_depth,
y_max = moreores.tin_max_depth,
tools = {},
-- Bronze has some special cases, because it is made from copper and tin
type = "shapeless",
output = "default:bronze_ingot 3",
recipe = {
-- Unique node:
minetest.register_node("moreores:copper_rail", {
description = S("Copper Rail"),
drawtype = "raillike",
tiles = {"moreores_copper_rail.png", "moreores_copper_rail_curved.png", "moreores_copper_rail_t_junction.png", "moreores_copper_rail_crossing.png"},
inventory_image = "moreores_copper_rail.png",
wield_image = "moreores_copper_rail.png",
paramtype = "light",
sunlight_propagates = true,
walkable = false,
selection_box = {
type = "fixed",
fixed = {-1/2, -1/2, -1/2, 1/2, -1/2+1/16, 1/2},
sounds = default_metal_sounds,
groups = {bendy = 2,snappy = 1,dig_immediate = 2,rail= 1, connect_to_raillike = 1},
mesecons = {
effector = {
action_on = function(pos, node)
minetest.get_meta(pos):set_string("cart_acceleration", "0.5")
action_off = function(pos, node)
minetest.get_meta(pos):set_string("cart_acceleration", "0")
-- Copper rail (unique node)
if minetest.get_modpath("carts") then
carts:register_rail("moreores:copper_rail", {
description = S("Copper Rail"),
tiles = {
inventory_image = "moreores_copper_rail.png",
wield_image = "moreores_copper_rail.png",
groups = carts:get_rail_groups(),
}, {})
output = "moreores:copper_rail 24",
recipe = {
{"default:copper_ingot", "", "default:copper_ingot"},
{"default:copper_ingot", "group:stick", "default:copper_ingot"},
{"default:copper_ingot", "", "default:copper_ingot"},
if minetest.settings:get_bool("log_mods") then
minetest.log("action", S("[moreores] loaded."))
for orename, def in pairs(oredefs) do
-- Register everything
add_ore("moreores", def.description, orename, def)
dofile(modpath .. "/moreblocks.lua")
# Translation by Xanthin
[moreores] loaded. = [moreores] geladen.
%s Ore = %serz
%s Lump = %sklumpen
%s Ingot = %sbarren
%s Block = %sblock
%s Pickaxe = %sspitzhacke
%s Shovel = %sschaufel
%s Axe = %saxt
%s Sword = %sschwert
%s Hoe = %shacke
Copper = Kupfer
Tin = Zinn
Bronze = Bronze
Silver = Silber
Gold = Gold
Mithril = Mithril
Copper Rail = Kupferschiene
# Translation by kaeza
[moreores] loaded. = [moreores] cargado.
%s Ore = Mineral de %s
%s Lump = Pepita de %s
%s Ingot = Lingote de %s
%s Block = Bloque de %s
%s Pickaxe = Pico de %s
%s Shovel = Pala de %s
%s Axe = Hacha de %s
%s Sword = Espada de %s
Copper = cobre
Tin = estaño
Bronze = bronce
Silver = plata
Gold = oro
Mithril = mitrilo
Copper Rail = Riel de Cobre
# Translation by Calinou
[moreores] loaded. = [moreores] a été chargé.
%s Ore = Minerai en %s
%s Lump = Roche en %s
%s Ingot = Lingot en %s
%s Block = Bloc en %s
%s Pickaxe = Pioche en %s
%s Shovel = Pelle en %s
%s Axe = Hache en %s
%s Sword = Épée en %s
Copper = cuivre
Tin = étain
Bronze = bronze
Silver = argent
Gold = or
Mithril = mithril
Copper Rail = Rail en cuivre
# Translation by Pagliaccio
[moreores] loaded. = [moreores] caricato.
%s Ore = Minerale di %s
%s Lump = %s grezzo
%s Ingot = Lingotto di %s
%s Block = Blocco di %s
%s Pickaxe = Piccone di %s
%s Shovel = Badile di %s
%s Axe = Ascia di %s
%s Sword = Spada di %s
Copper = Rame
Tin = Stagno
Bronze = Bronzo
Silver = Argento
Gold = Oro
Mithril = Mithril
Copper Rail = Binario di rame
\ No newline at end of file
# textdomain: moreores
# Translation by Xanthin
[moreores] loaded.=[moreores] geladen.
@1 Ore=@1erz
@1 Lump=@1klumpen
@1 Ingot=@1barren
@1 Block=@1block
@1 Pickaxe=@1spitzhacke
@1 Shovel=@1schaufel
@1 Axe=@1axt
@1 Sword=@1schwert
Copper Rail=Kupferschiene
# textdomain: moreores
[moreores] loaded.=[moreores] loaded.
@1 Ore=@1 Ore
@1 Lump=@1 Lump
@1 Ingot=@1 Ingot
@1 Block=@1 Block
@1 Pickaxe=@1 Pickaxe
@1 Shovel=@1 Shovel
@1 Axe=@1 Axe
@1 Sword=@1 Sword
@1 Hoe=@1 Hoe
Copper Rail=Copper Rail
# textdomain: moreores
# Translation by kaeza
[moreores] loaded.=[moreores] cargado.
@1 Ore=Mineral de @1
@1 Lump=Pepita de @1
@1 Ingot=Lingote de @1
@1 Block=Bloque de @1
@1 Pickaxe=Pico de @1
@1 Shovel=Pala de @1
@1 Axe=Hacha de @1
@1 Sword=Espada de @1
Copper Rail=Riel de Cobre
# textdomain: moreores
# Translation by Calinou
[moreores] loaded.=[moreores] a été chargé.
@1 Ore=Minerai en @1
@1 Lump=Roche en @1
@1 Ingot=Lingot en @1
@1 Block=Bloc en @1
@1 Pickaxe=Pioche en @1
@1 Shovel=Pelle en @1
@1 Axe=Hache en @1
@1 Sword=Épée en @1
@1 Hoe=Houe en @1
Copper Rail=Rail en cuivre
# textdomain: moreores
# Translation by An0n3m0us
[moreores] loaded.=[moreores] betöltve.
@1 Ore=@1 érc
@1 Lump=@1 rög
@1 Ingot=@1 öntvény
@1 Block=@1 blokk
@1 Pickaxe=@1 csákány
@1 Shovel=@1 ásó
@1 Axe=@1 fejsze
@1 Sword=@1 kard
Copper Rail=Réz sín