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redwood meets gitlab

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init.lua 0 → 100644
-- Redwood tree from
redwood = {}
-- Intllib
local S
if minetest.get_modpath("intllib") then
S = intllib.Getter()
S = function(s) return s end
redwood.intllib = S
local path = minetest.get_modpath("redwood")
dofile(path .. "/leaves.lua")
dofile(path .. "/wood.lua")
dofile(path .. "/sapling.lua")
minetest.register_alias("ethereal:redwood_trunk", "redwood:redwood_trunk")
minetest.register_alias("ethereal:redwood_leaves", "redwood:redwood_leaves")
print (S("[MOD] Redwood loaded"))
local S = redwood.intllib
-- set leaftype (value inside init.lua)
local leaftype = "plantlike"
-- redwood leaves
minetest.register_node("redwood:redwood_leaves", {
description = S("Redwood Leaves"),
drawtype = leaftype,
visual_scale = 1.2,
tiles = {"redwood_leaves.png"},
inventory_image = "redwood_leaves.png",
wield_image = "redwood_leaves.png",
paramtype = "light",
walkable = redwood.leafwalk,
waving = 1,
groups = {snappy = 3, leafdecay = 3, leaves = 1, flammable = 2},
drop = {
max_items = 1,
items = {
{items = {"redwood:redwood_sapling"}, rarity = 50},
{items = {"redwood:redwood_leaves"}}
sounds = default.node_sound_leaves_defaults(),
after_place_node = default.after_place_leaves,
Version 2, December 2004
Copyright (C) 2004 Sam Hocevar <>
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim or modified
copies of this license document, and changing it is allowed as long
as the name is changed.
\ No newline at end of file
# German Translation for ethereal mod
# Deutsche Übersetzung der ethereal Mod
# last update: 2016/May/25
# Author: Xanthin
Bone = Knochen
Bone Meal = Knochenmehl
Crystal Spike = Kristallnadel
Crystal Ingot = Kristallbarren
Crystal Block = Kristallblock
Crystal Sword = Kristallschwert
Crystal Axe = Kristallaxt
Crystal Pickaxe = Kristallspitzhacke
Crystal (soft touch) Shovel = Kristallschaufel (Behutsamkeit)
Crystal Gilly Staff = Kristallener Gilly-Stab
Green Dirt = Grüne Erde
Dried Dirt = Vertrocknete Erde
Bamboo Dirt = Bambuserde
Jungle Dirt = Tropenerde
Grove Dirt = Hainerde
Prairie Dirt = Prärieerde
Cold Dirt = Kalte Erde
Crystal Dirt = Kristallerde
Mushroom Dirt = Pilzerde
Fiery Dirt = Feuerrote Erde
Gray Dirt = Graue Erde
Red Baked Clay = Roter gebrannter Ton
Orange Baked Clay = Oranger gebrannter Ton
Grey Baked Clay = Grauer gebrannter Ton
Quicksand = Treibsand
Bamboo Floor = Bambusboden
Palm Wax = Palmwachs
Candle = Kerze
Bowl = Schale
Stone Ladder = Steinleiter
Paper Wall = Papierwand
Glo Stone = Leuchtstein
Lump of Charcoal = Holzkohlestück
Staff of Light = Stab des Lichts
Scorched Fence = Verbrannter Zaun
Frost Fence = Frostzaun
Redwood Fence = Mammutbaumzaun
Willow Fence = Weidenzaun
Healing Wood Fence = Lebensholzzaun
Palm Fence = Palmzaun
Banana Wood Fence = Bananenholzzaun
Mushroom Fence = Pilzzaun
Birch Fence = Birkenzaun
Raw Fish = Roher Fisch
Cooked Fish = Gekochter Fisch
Sashimi = Sashimi
Worm = Wurm
Fishing Rod = Angelrute
Baited Fishing Rod = Angelrute mit Köder
Inventory full, Fish Got Away! = Inventar voll, Fisch entkam!
Banana = Banane
Banana Dough = Bananenteig
Orange = Orange
Pine Nuts = Pinienkerne
Banana Loaf = Bananenbrot
Coconut = Kokosnuss
Coconut Slice = Kokosscheibe
Golden Apple = Goldener Apfel
Hearty Stew = Deftiger Eintopf
Bucket of Cactus Pulp = Eimer Kaktusmark
Scorched Wood Fence Gate = Verbranntes Holzzauntor
Frost Wood Fence Gate = Frostholzzauntor
Redwood Fence Gate = Mammutbaumzauntor
Willow Wood Fence Gate = Weidenholztor
Healing Wood Fence Gate = Lebensholzzauntor
Palm Wood Fence Gate = Palmholzzauntor
Banana Wood Fence Gate = Bananenholzzauntor
Mushroom Trunk Fence Gate = Pilzstammzauntor
Birch Wood Fence Gate = Birkenholzzauntor
[MOD] Ethereal loaded = [MOD] Ethereal geladen
Willow Twig = Weidenrute
Redwood Leaves = Mammutbaumlaub
Orange Leaves = Orangenlaub
Banana Leaves = Bananenblätter
Healing Tree Leaves = Lebensbaumlaub
Palm Leaves = Palmenblätter
Birch Leaves = Birkenlaub
Frost Leaves = Frostlaub
Bamboo Leaves = Bambuslaub
Mushroom Cap = Pilzkappe
Mushroom Pore = Pilzpore
Bush = Busch
Bush #2 = Busch #2
Bush #3 = Busch #3
Mushroom Soup = Pilzsuppe
Wild Onion = Wilde Zwiebel
Fire Flower = Feuerblume
Fire Dust = Feuerstaub
Vine = Weinrebe
Light String Vine = Leuchtschnurrebe
Fern = Farn
Fern Tubers = Farnsporenkapseln
Fiery Dry Shrub = Feuerroter vertrockneter Strauch
Snowy Grass = Verschneites Gras
Crystal Grass = Kristallgras
Crystal Moss = Kristallmoos
Mushroom Moss = Pilzmoos
Fiery Moss = Feuerrotes Moos
Gray Moss = Graues Moos
Green Moss = Grünes Moos
Red Illumishroom = Roter Leuchtpilz
Green Illumishroom = Grüner Leuchtpilz
Cyan Illumishroom = Türkiser Leuchtpilz
Bamboo Sprout = Bambussprosse
Willow Tree Sapling = Weidenbaumsetzling
Healing Tree Sapling = Lebensbaumsetzling
Apple Tree Sapling = Apfelbaumsetzling
Jungle Tree Sapling = Tropenbaumsetzling
Pine Tree Sapling = Piniensetzling
Big Tree Sapling = Großer-Baum-Setzling
Banana Tree Sapling = Bananensetzling
Frost Tree Sapling = Frostbaumsetzling
Mushroom Tree Sapling = Pilzbaumsetzling
Palm Tree Sapling = Palmensetzling
Redwood Tree Sapling = Mammutbaumsetzling
Orange Tree Sapling = Orangenbaumsetzling
Acacia Tree Sapling = Akaziensetzling
Birch Tree Sapling = Birkensetzling
Schematic not found = Schema nicht gefunden
Seaweed = Seetang
Blue Coral = Blaue Koralle
Orange Coral = Orange Koralle
Pink Coral = Rosa Koralle
Green Coral = Grüne Koralle
Sandy = Sandy
Crystal Block Stair = Kristallblocktreppe
Crystal Block Slab = Kristallblockplatte
Ice Brick Stair = Eisziegeltreppe
Ice Brick Slab = Eisziegelplatte
Snow Brick Stair = Schneeziegeltreppe
Snow Brick Slab = Schneeziegelplatte
Dry Dirt Stair = Vertrocknete Erdtreppe
Dry Dirt Slab = vertrocknete Erdplatte
Mushroom Trunk Stair = Pilzstammtreppe
Mushroom Trunk Slab = Pilzstammplatte
Mushroom Top Stair = Pilzkappentreppe
Mushroom Top Slab = Pilzkappenplatte
Frost Wood Stair = Frostholztreppe
Frost Wood Slab = Frostholzplatte
Healing Wood Stair = Lebensholztreppe
Healing Wood Slab = Lebensholzplatte
Palm Wood Stair = Palmholztreppe
Palm Wood Slab = Palmholzplatte
Birch Wood Stair = Birkenholztreppe
Birch Wood Slab = Birkenholzplatte
Banana Wood Stair = Bananenholztreppe
Banana Wood Slab = Bananenholzplatte
Willow Wood Stair = Weidenholztreppe
Willow Wood Slab = Weidenholzplatte
Redwood Stair = Mammutbaumtreppe
Redwood Slab = Mammutbaumplatte
Bamboo Stair = Bambustreppe
Bamboo Slab = Bambusplatte
Dry Dirt = Vertrocknete Erde
Mushroom Trunk = Pilzstamm
Mushroom Top = Pilzkappe
Healing Wood = Lebensholz
Redwood = Mammutbaum
Strawberry = Erdbeere
Ice Brick = Eisziegel
Snow Brick = Schneeziegel
Willow Trunk = Weidenstamm
Willow Wood = Weidenholz
Redwood Trunk = Mammutbaumstamm
Redwood Wood = Mammutbaumholz
Frost Tree = Frostbaum
Frost Wood = Frostholz
Healing Tree Trunk = Lebensbaumstamm
Healing Tree Wood = Lebensbaumholz
Palm Trunk = Palmstamm
Palm Wood = Palmholz
Banana Trunk = Bananenstamm
Banana Wood = Bananenholz
Scorched Tree = Verbrannter Baum
Mushroom = Pilz
Birch Trunk = Birkenstamm
Birch Wood = Birkenholz
Bamboo = Bambus
\ No newline at end of file
# Template for translations of ethereal mod
# last update: 2016/May/25
Bone =
Bone Meal =
Crystal Spike =
Crystal Ingot =
Crystal Block =
Crystal Sword =
Crystal Axe =
Crystal Pickaxe =
Crystal (soft touch) Shovel =
Crystal Gilly Staff =
Green Dirt =
Dried Dirt =
Bamboo Dirt =
Jungle Dirt =
Grove Dirt =
Prairie Dirt =
Cold Dirt =
Crystal Dirt =
Mushroom Dirt =
Fiery Dirt =
Gray Dirt =
Red Baked Clay =
Orange Baked Clay =
Grey Baked Clay =
Quicksand =
Bamboo Floor =
Palm Wax =
Candle =
Bowl =
Stone Ladder =
Paper Wall =
Glo Stone =
Lump of Charcoal =
Staff of Light =
Scorched Fence =
Frost Fence =
Redwood Fence =
Willow Fence =
Healing Wood Fence =
Palm Fence =
Banana Wood Fence =
Mushroom Fence =
Birch Fence =
Raw Fish =
Cooked Fish =
Sashimi =
Worm =
Fishing Rod =
Baited Fishing Rod =
Inventory full, Fish Got Away! =
Banana =
Banana Dough =
Orange =
Pine Nuts =
Banana Loaf =
Coconut =
Coconut Slice =
Golden Apple =
Hearty Stew =
Bucket of Cactus Pulp =
Scorched Wood Fence Gate =
Frost Wood Fence Gate =
Redwood Fence Gate =
Willow Wood Fence Gate =
Healing Wood Fence Gate =
Palm Wood Fence Gate =
Banana Wood Fence Gate =
Mushroom Trunk Fence Gate =
Birch Wood Fence Gate =
[MOD] Ethereal loaded =
Willow Twig =
Redwood Leaves =
Orange Leaves =
Banana Leaves =
Healing Tree Leaves =
Palm Leaves =
Birch Leaves =
Frost Leaves =
Bamboo Leaves =
Mushroom Cap =
Mushroom Pore =
Bush =
Bush #2 =
Bush #3 =
Mushroom Soup =
Wild Onion =
Fire Flower =
Fire Dust =
Vine =
Light String Vine =
Fern =
Fern Tubers =
Fiery Dry Shrub =
Snowy Grass =
Crystal Grass =
Crystal Moss =
Mushroom Moss =
Fiery Moss =
Gray Moss =
Green Moss =
Red Illumishroom =
Green Illumishroom =
Cyan Illumishroom =
Bamboo Sprout =
Willow Tree Sapling =
Healing Tree Sapling =
Apple Tree Sapling =
Jungle Tree Sapling =
Pine Tree Sapling =
Big Tree Sapling =
Banana Tree Sapling =
Frost Tree Sapling =
Mushroom Tree Sapling =
Palm Tree Sapling =
Redwood Tree Sapling =
Orange Tree Sapling =
Acacia Tree Sapling =
Birch Tree Sapling =
Schematic not found =
Seaweed =
Blue Coral =
Orange Coral =
Pink Coral =
Green Coral =
Sandy =
Crystal Block Stair =
Crystal Block Slab =
Ice Brick Stair =
Ice Brick Slab =
Snow Brick Stair =
Snow Brick Slab =
Dry Dirt Stair =
Dry Dirt Slab =
Mushroom Trunk Stair =
Mushroom Trunk Slab =
Mushroom Top Stair =
Mushroom Top Slab =
Frost Wood Stair =
Frost Wood Slab =
Healing Wood Stair =
Healing Wood Slab =
Palm Wood Stair =
Palm Wood Slab =
Birch Wood Stair =
Birch Wood Slab =
Banana Wood Stair =
Banana Wood Slab =
Willow Wood Stair =
Willow Wood Slab =
Redwood Stair =
Redwood Slab =
Bamboo Stair =
Bamboo Slab =
Dry Dirt =
Mushroom Trunk =
Mushroom Top =
Healing Wood =
Redwood =
Strawberry =
Ice Brick =
Snow Brick =
Willow Trunk =
Willow Wood =
Redwood Trunk =
Redwood Wood =
Frost Tree =
Frost Wood =
Healing Tree Trunk =
Healing Tree Wood =
Palm Trunk =
Palm Wood =
Banana Trunk =
Banana Wood =
Scorched Tree =
Mushroom =
Birch Trunk =
Birch Wood =
Bamboo =
\ No newline at end of file
local S = redwood.intllib
-- Register Saplings
redwood.register_sapling = function(name, desc, texture, height)
minetest.register_node(name .. "_sapling", {
description = S(desc .. " Tree Sapling"),
drawtype = "plantlike",
visual_scale = 1.0,
tiles = {texture .. ".png"},
inventory_image = texture .. ".png",
wield_image = texture .. ".png",
paramtype = "light",
sunlight_propagates = true,
is_ground_content = false,
walkable = false,
selection_box = {
type = "fixed",
fixed = {-0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, -5/16, 0.5}
groups = {
snappy = 2, dig_immediate = 3, flammable = 2,
redwood_sapling = 1, sapling = 1, attached_node = 1
sounds = default.node_sound_defaults(),
grown_height = height,
redwood.register_sapling("redwood:redwood", "Redwood", "redwood_sapling", 31)
redwood.add_tree = function (pos, ofx, ofy, ofz, schem)
-- check for schematic
if not schem then
print (S("Schematic not found"))
-- remove sapling and place schematic
minetest.swap_node(pos, {name = "air"})
{x = pos.x - ofx, y = pos.y - ofy, z = pos.z - ofz},
schem, 0, nil, false)
local path = minetest.get_modpath("redwood").."/schematics/"
-- grow tree functions
function redwood.grow_redwood_tree(pos)
if math.random(1, 2) == 1 then
redwood.add_tree(pos, 9, 3, 9, path .. "redwood.mts") -- shinji
redwood.add_tree(pos, 8, 6, 8, path .. "redwood_tree.mts") -- iska
-- check if sapling has enough height room to grow
local function enough_height(pos, height)
local nod = minetest.line_of_sight(
{x = pos.x, y = pos.y + 1, z = pos.z},
{x = pos.x, y = pos.y + height, z = pos.z})
if not nod then
return false -- obstructed
return true -- can grow
redwood.grow_sapling = function (pos, node)
local under = minetest.get_node({
x = pos.x,
y = pos.y - 1,
z = pos.z
if not minetest.registered_nodes[] then
local height = minetest.registered_nodes[].grown_height
-- do we have enough height to grow sapling into tree?
if not height or not enough_height(pos, height) then
-- Check if Ethereal Sapling is growing on correct substrate
if == "redwood:redwood_sapling" then
-- Grow saplings
label = "Redwood grow sapling",
nodenames = {"group:redwood_sapling"},
interval = 10,
chance = 50,
catch_up = false,
action = function(pos, node)
local light_level = minetest.get_node_light(pos)
if not light_level or light_level < 13 then
redwood.grow_sapling(pos, node)
File added
File added

969 B


226 B


867 B


822 B


654 B

wood.lua 0 → 100644
local S = redwood.intllib
-- redwood trunk
minetest.register_node("redwood:redwood_trunk", {
description = S("Redwood Trunk"),
tiles = {
groups = {tree = 1, choppy = 2, oddly_breakable_by_hand = 1, flammable = 2},
sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(),
paramtype2 = "facedir",
on_place = minetest.rotate_node,
-- redwood wood
minetest.register_node("redwood:redwood_wood", {
description = S("Redwood Wood"),
tiles = {"redwood_wood.png"},
is_ground_content = false,
groups = {wood = 1, choppy = 2, oddly_breakable_by_hand = 1, flammable = 3},
sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(),
output = "redwood:redwood_wood 4",
recipe = {{"redwood:redwood_trunk"}},
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