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Created with Raphaël 2.2.014Mar9112Jan1Dec29Nov133223Oct211130Sep4228Aug23Jul201026Jun231830May29282611924Apr2322171211108322Mar181411515Feb1411126Jan11Nov26Oct54314Aug24Jul2228Apr124Mar2219511Feb6Jan5421matrix: add some moderation scriptsmainmainletsencrypt: finally fix the deploy hook for tchncs.dedonate goals: hide decimalinital support for donation suggestion; get patron amountinsights: update test.htmlMerge branch 'main' of minor adjustments, exclude current month from chartsnvchecker: switch to regex for mobilizonMerge branch 'main' of fix forgejo check by moving to cmdupdate submodule (moar domains to block)update submodule openresty: add instructions for nginx, minor adjustmentsupdate submodule openrestyupdate submodule openrestyupdate submodule openrestyadd submodule openrestyadd updates/writefreely.shUpdate mastodon update scriptnvchecker: fix Forgejo checknvchecker: replace Firefish with Sharkeynvchecker: replace mjolnir with draupnirUpdate; actually checkout the *latest* releaseUpdate; adjust release tag uriMerge branch 'revert-526ac003' into 'main'Revert "nextcloud: mimetype migration"Merge branch 'main' of forgejo+woodpeckernextcloud: mimetype migrationUpdate timeout-checker.shtimeout watchdog scriptUpdate nextcloud.shUpdate updates/ attempt to export php version insteadadd mediarepo to nvchecker config.tomlUpdate updates/nextcloud.shUpdate updates/nextcloud.shadd updates/phanpy.shadd matrix signal,whatsapp to use msmtp, give up on – symbol for nownvchecker: maybe raw output (no quotation)nvchecker: fix plume