@@ -29,3 +29,7 @@ Aber bisher gibt es bei Matrix auch wenig auf den Clients, das es Wert wäre mit
FWIW many if not most of the complaints I have seen about retention policies are about messages not immediately being deleted on every client.
The more i think about it, it's a bit funny.
[On a Matrix perspective the decentralization is crucial](https://matrix.to/#/!NasysSDfxKxZBzJJoE:matrix.org/$EGxQJY4f5ZTkLLYD4kX0UML3sRdXomhgLctAOWoTCx4?via=matrix.org&via=libera.chat&via=element.io), but Clients aren't used for this. If I am in a 1vs1 Room and my server lost all messages, all message are gone.