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Snippets Groups Projects
  1. Jul 07, 2016
  2. Jul 05, 2016
    • paramat's avatar
      Default/mapgen: Simplify iron ore registrations · d42f77cc
      paramat authored
      Preserve overlapping registrations of large and small clusters
      below y = -64 but now extend the small clusters up to y = 0 (the
      previous highest iron ore level) in a similar to way to coal
    • paramat's avatar
      Default/mapgen: Add ores above y = 1024 · d476d017
      paramat authored
      Each ore's rarity is equal to that occuring below y= -1024
    • paramat's avatar
      Default/mapgen: Clean up ore registrations · 1886d293
      paramat authored
      Re-order registrations
      Add and improve comments
      Change sand blob ymax to 0 as sand does not always rise above 0
      Remove dirt blobs from sandstone as it is unsuitable for
      many sandstone biomes and ugly in stony sandstone desert
      Change ymax of first iron region to 0
    • tenplus1's avatar
      Bucket: Correct liquid placing in protected areas · 21b457c9
      tenplus1 authored
      - Placing liquid inside a protected area no longer returns an empty bucket
      - Remove on_place function, tidy up code, return proper itemstack
      - Shorten code (changes from HybridDog/patch-35)
  3. Jul 03, 2016
  4. Jul 01, 2016
  5. Jun 27, 2016
  6. Jun 26, 2016
  7. Jun 25, 2016
  8. Jun 22, 2016
  9. Jun 21, 2016
  10. Jun 18, 2016
    • cd2's avatar
      Farming: Add negative fall_damage_add_percent to straw · 5775c914
      cd2 authored
      This doubles the fall height without damage to 11 nodes.
    • Auke Kok's avatar
      Default: Make brick and plank nodes rotatable · ba1ae07b
      Auke Kok authored
      Allow many crafted nodes to be rotated in any way possible.
      These blocks all have slab and stair versions, which can create awkward
      patterns if placed together. By allowing these to be rotated players
      can create new patterns and appearances that were not before possible.
      Since this wasn't possible before, there won't be any effect
      to existing builds, as param2 should always be '0'. The current
      screwdriver mod also refuses to rotate and alter param2, so this is
      safe to enable from now on.
      Personally, since these are all *crafted* nodes to begin with, it
      should be apparent that they can be rotated to begin with, but I can
      see people may disagree from a simplicity perspective. It also may
      affect param2 usage that other mods rely on, although I'm not aware
      of any mods that do this.
  11. Jun 15, 2016
    • paramat's avatar
      Creative: Add missing 'formspec_escape' to fix bug · 50eb0798
      paramat authored
      Symbols used in search caused the game to hang with a grey screen,
      for example searching for 'diamond;ingot'
    • paramat's avatar
      Boats: Raise collisionbox top surface to fix boat behaviour · da0fe314
      paramat authored
      Lowering the top surface to be level with the boat top somehow
      causes the boat to fall through world if underwater. Revert to
      previous position that is needed for correct behaviour
    • Auke Kok's avatar
      Stairs: Add mossy cobble slab and stair · 2199be51
      Auke Kok authored
      Allow water to turn cobble slab and stairs to turn into mossy versions.
      There is no crafting recipe for mossy stairs and mossy slabs, the
      stair/slab API has been modified to allow for a recipeitem that
      is `nil`, which will omit adding a crafting recipe for these two
      items. The API documentation is updated.
      The slabs and stairs will turn mossy when water is adjacent, just like
      cobblestone. You can either farm mossy versions by placing them in
      water for a while, then collecting them, or run water over your craft.
  12. Jun 05, 2016
  13. Jun 04, 2016
  14. May 30, 2016
  15. May 28, 2016
    • paramat's avatar
      Default: Bookshelf has 2 openings instead of 4 · 37347d40
      paramat authored
      Make rotatable with 'paramtype2 = facedir'
    • Auke Kok's avatar
      Fire: move fire node removal out of ABM. · d61803b6
      Auke Kok authored
      Because the fire nodes are not removed 100% when there are
      no more burnable nodes nearby, they can potentially stay around
      for very, very long times, leading to ABM trains every 5 seconds
      for no good reason (only 1 in 16 will be removed every interval).
      A much better method to remove fire nodes is to remove them by
      timer, and give removal a 100% chance if no flammable nodes are
      adjacent. This makes fire cleanup a lot faster and more natural,
      and will reduce the amount of ABM hits making fire overall more
      We also remove the 1 in 4 chance and fold the removal of flammable
      nodes into the ABM chance.
      There's some low hanging fruit cleanups in here as well.
  16. May 25, 2016
    • Auke Kok's avatar
      Default: Convert saplings to use node timers · e0cb3fce
      Auke Kok authored
      Each sapling is given a single node timer that is between
      2 and 4 days of game play time (40-80 minutes). If you walk out
      of the zone, and come back later, the tree will always grow
      to full if the timer has elapsed.
      Because trees.lua is all functions, it needs to be parsed before
      nodes.lua, since that references some of its functions. Hence,
      change the order of parsing here. Otherwise saplings would not
      grow to full.