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Snippets Groups Projects
  1. Feb 23, 2016
    • Auke Kok's avatar
      Fix broken door protection. · 6b055ae1
      Auke Kok authored
      A previous fix overwrote the `def` variable during registration,
      causing protected doors no longer to be placed with protection.
  2. Feb 21, 2016
  3. Feb 19, 2016
    • Auke Kok's avatar
      Call on_place_node() callbacks after placing door. · ed9fd475
      Auke Kok authored
      Other mods may depend on knowing whether doors are placed
      to setup additional attributes or perform node manipulations.
      This is something e.g. mesecons does to connect circuits
      to doors. This was tested with mesecons. Placing a door next
      to a mesecon wire will make the wire automatically
      connect, which was otherwise not happening.
    • Auke Kok's avatar
      Open doors when right-clicking a door with a door. · 2cc6640e
      Auke Kok authored
      And similarly, if we wield a door and right click any node
      that has an on_rightclick() handler, call the handler
      Just to be on the safe side, assure that none of this
      code runs when right-clicking an entity or player, which
      would likely crash the server.
      Fold in PR #831 as well - prevent server crash on door
      place on unknown blocks, by @tenplus1.
    • Auke Kok's avatar
      Allow building doors on buildable_to nodes. · bbf17c9e
      Auke Kok authored
      This code never allowed placing a door on e.g. a grass
      plant. The code to handle this isn't that complex. With
      this code, doors can be placed on flowers and on normal
      node surfaces without issues.
    • MT-Modder's avatar
      Add background image to book formspec · 1ab0fc12
      MT-Modder authored
    • Auke Kok's avatar
      New gravel texture. · 5569950b
      Auke Kok authored
      Issue #811 - new gravel texture needed.
      This texture was Gambits' PixelBOX gravel light texture. Gambit
      posted that his texture pack is WTFPL:
      I've made significant modifications to this texture:
      - slightly rotated and rolled some sections of pixels
      - minor burn/dodge some pixels to keep high contrast
      - removed lineair repeating effects
      - etc.
      Attribution is added back to Gambit. Thanks.
  4. Feb 18, 2016
    • Auke Kok's avatar
      Doors: Allow arbitrary recipe to be passed, even nil · 363b95c0
      Auke Kok authored
      This allows mod makers to register their own recipies, including
      none, to register doors.
    • Auke Kok's avatar
      Fix character.b3d animation issues. · 8422f2ef
      Auke Kok authored
      Both the standing and sitting animations had misplaced curve
      cusps that caused the end part of the animation to wiggle the
      feet slightly back and forward.
      I've fixed both animations parts and re-exported. Verified in-game
      with multiplayer that everything was indeed fixed.
    • tenplus1's avatar
      added timer to tnt:tnt_burning for explosions · 36d18cb1
      tenplus1 authored
      By adding the timer to the tnt:tnt_burning node it will help mods add the block and cause an explosion after 4 seconds instead of doing nothing like in it's current state.
    • Craig Davison's avatar
      Remove log_mods from TNT · b47a5564
      Craig Davison authored
      This option is not documented nor is it used with any other mod in Minetest Game so why should it be used in TNT?
  5. Feb 14, 2016
    • paramat's avatar
      Consolidate ABMs · 7d2dfe41
      paramat authored
      Spread ABM intervals evenly across 1 to 16 seconds
      16s ensures no nodes are missed when player walks past
      Adjust chance values to compensate, for identical action rates
      Combine lavacooling ABMs into one, return to chance = 1
      Grass growth: add 'neighbors = "air"' to avoid
      processing the thousands of underground dirt nodes
      Grass death: Reduce action rate to that of grass growth
      Fire: Use chance = 1 for flame extinguishing
      and flame removal when mod is disabled
  6. Feb 13, 2016
    • Jean-Patrick Guerrero's avatar
    • Rui's avatar
      Remove minetest.inventorycube · 7a3cff55
      Rui authored
    • Auke Kok's avatar
      Convert furnace ABM to node timer · 8f095c62
      Auke Kok authored
      Node timers are higher precision and a better guarantee
      of happening at regular intervals, whereas ABM's may be
      postponed, cancelled or missed if a player is too far.
      The largest benefit is that once the furnace is done
      cooking, no more ABM's are fired - the timer is stopped
      instead and no more events are created until items
      are put in the furnace.
      This patch is larger due to the migration of the timer
      function and indentation change as a result of the somewhat
      reduced complexity. I've tested with several furnaces and
      this works correctly and behavior is not affected, although
      people may find that their furnaces now work more
      If you place several furnaces next to eachother, you will
      still find all furnace timers firing exactly at the same
      time. This is a bug in core that should not coalesce node
      timers at second intervals.
    • Auke Kok's avatar
      New mesh door models, and extensive door API · f600a9f6
      Auke Kok authored
      This patch replaces the default door nodes with a new mesh model
      and nodes.
      Two new models were added that are 2 blocks high. One for left-hinge
      and one for right-hinge doors. This allows us to make a single texture
      fit on both models. The alternative would have been 1 model and 2
      unmapped textures, which is more work for mod developers.
      Doors work exactly like the old doors, including ownership, breaking
      doors, opening and closing.
      Under the hood, we can prevent the top part of the door from being
      obstructed by placing an invisible node. This prevents liquids from
      flowing through doors or people placing sand or other blocks in the
      top half. The door code automatically places and removes these as
      Metadata is used to store door state, just like the old version.
      A doors API is added, it allows mods to use the API to open/close or
      toggle door states without worrying about sounds, permissions and
      other details. This is intended for e.g. mesecons. This API allows
      mods to manipulate or inspect doors for players or for themselves.
      In-game old door nodes are automatically converted using an ABM and
      preserve ownership and orientation and state.
      TNT blows up all doors and trapdoors except for the steel ones,
      who can survive a blast. We return an itemstack in on_blast(),
      which requires a TNT API patch which is also pending.
      We enable backface culling for most of these doors, as this gives
      the identical visual appearance that the old doors had. In the case
      of the glass door, there's a slight twist.
      The texture files used by the new doors have new names that do
      not conflict with previous texture file names to avoid texture
      pack conflicts.
      Thanks to red-001 <> for some
      of the conversion code, cleanups, and extra textures.
  7. Feb 06, 2016
  8. Feb 03, 2016
    • Craig Davison's avatar
    • Craig Davison's avatar
    • kilbith's avatar
    • Auke Kok's avatar
      Create API for fence.register, and use it. · 2f39cad0
      Auke Kok authored
      This converts the call to minetest.register() for the default
      fence node, so it can be called by other mods to quickly
      setup other fences.
      Since this creates an API, insert it into the game_api.txt.
      The api looks like minetest.register(name, {def}), and has two
      uncommon fields: "texture" and "material". Any normal nodedef
      property can be passed through, except "drawtype". The "fence"
      group will always be added.
      The default fence recipe is modified to be as follows:
        wood, stick, wood
        wood, stick, wood
      This recipe yields 4 fence nodes.
      This allows us to create according recipes for acacia, pine,
      aspen, and junglewood fences without adding new stick types:
        pine wood, stick, pine wood
        pine wood, stick, pine wood
      This is a from-scratch implementation, written by heart but inspired
      by (#665 - Add many wooden fences).
      Stick and fences nodes are named in a consistent way.
  9. Jan 29, 2016
  10. Jan 26, 2016
    • Auke Kok's avatar
      Register biomes before ores. · 38a83513
      Auke Kok authored
      We may want to use biomes here at a later stage.
    • Auke Kok's avatar
      Stair and Slab groups. · a5d40e13
      Auke Kok authored
      Organizing these in groups will allow mods to do several things
      - create craft recipes using them as ingredients
      - manipulate map nodes based on group properties
      There are quite a few slab and stair blocks already, so automatically
      add these groups at registration time for all of those. Since most
      mods I've seen use the registration code in this submod, they will
      also benefit.
  11. Jan 22, 2016
  12. Jan 20, 2016
    • kilbith's avatar
    • Auke Kok's avatar
      Better trapdoor side appearance. · 322967d2
      Auke Kok authored
      We're using a normal wooden side texture to draw the sides
      of trapdoors. But the side textures have only 2 edges that
      have a nice texture for the 2px wide trapdoor. We can
      either repaint the textures, or just rotate the texture
      properly for the two sides that need it.
      Because the side texture for wooden doors was just a default:wood
      texture, it clashes with the colors in the trapdoor, and so
      we add a wooden trapdoor-matching tile side texture as well.
      This also improves the steel trapdoor side, but without a
      texture change there since that was already a specially
      drawn texture for that node.
      We also increase the thickness of the trapdoor to 2px. Right
      now the model is 0.4 large, but this causes the side textures
      to look odd as there's a mismatch in pixel size. By scaling the
      trapdoor side up to exactly 2px, the sides look natural.
      Thanks to @kilbith for the suggestion.
    • Auke Kok's avatar
      Allow trapdoors to be rotated all ways. · f4131418
      Auke Kok authored
      There really is no reason to prevent rotation in trapdoors, I
      expect this to be an oversight.
      Trapdoors work perfectly well sideways, upside down and can
      work like fences, gates and more. Most commonly, people will
      want to put them in the top half of the node so they remain
      flush with a floor.
  13. Jan 15, 2016
    • kilbith's avatar
    • Auke Kok's avatar
      Aspen trees. · 6267f260
      Auke Kok authored
      Adds a birch-like tree to the default_game. Aspen was chosen on
      purpose instead of birch, as several birch tree mods already exist
      and choosing a different name avoids any conflicts.
      Schematics were made for both normal and sapling version, assuring
      saplings will not be able to grief. The shape of the Aspen is "fanning
      out at the top" and provides an easy tree to walk under, but still a
      somewhat thick cover. The Aspen trunk is 4 to 6 blocks tall, with up
      to three layers of leaves on top, making it slightly taller than an
      Apple tree, but shorter than a Pine tree, which provides a good blend.
      Textures were painted from scratch, except tree_top and _wood
      variants, which are color modified versions of the pine_wood
      variants. Appropriate licenses have been chosen for the new textures.
      The leaf texture is light enough to contrast other trees, but dark
      enough to offset against our light default grass color. The leaves
      are drawn in the typical minetest default fashion with plenty of
      transparancy, but enough definition to suggest that you're seeing
      something that looks like leaves. The placement of leaves in the
      schematic also suggests the top of the tree is sparse and you can
      see the sky through the leaves.
      Sapling texture is both traditional and different, with lush green
      leaves and a well-defined stem, but slightly stick-like and skinny,
      as these plants tend to grow up first, then out.
      Add fallen Aspen logs. We make these logs a minimum of 2 blocks long,
      and up to 3. This allows us to make these logs a place where both
      red and brown mushrooms can be found, to these may be attractive to
      players. However, the spawn rate for these has been reduced a lot
      compared to the other logs, to account for the scarcity of Aspen.
      Add stairs, slabs for these wood types as well.
      Mapgen will place these trees in deciduous forests only, but in
      a way that the biome is a range between entirely Apple trees, and
      mostly entirely Aspen trees, with a bias to Apple trees. To make
      fallen logs somewhat correlated with trees, we modify the planting
      of Apple trees and logs to use perlin noise and not fill ratio,
      otherwise you'd always end up with Apple logs in Aspen tree areas,
      which would be suspicious. There still is a bit of a mix.
  14. Jan 12, 2016
    • Auke Kok's avatar
      Fix trapdoor recipe conflict with iron bar recipe. · 535e611e
      Auke Kok authored
      In oversight, I added this recipe not verifying that it was already
      We change this to a 2x2 iron bar recipe. The shape and amount are
      reasonable (reduced to output 1 steel trapdoor), and I verified that
      it wasn't in use.
      Fixes #779
  15. Jan 08, 2016
  16. Jan 07, 2016
    • Auke Kok's avatar
      Place tree logs as decorations. · 57939c6c
      Auke Kok authored
      We can vary the landscape a bit more by placing "fallen logs"
      around the various forests. These decorations are quite fast
      and will provide some gameplay value but are still more rare
      than the corresponding trees, so they don't provide free
      I've manually put the schematic as lua tables since these log
      schematics are only 8 blocks. We vary the log lengths between
      1 and 3 blocks by making the end blocks have a lower chance
      of appearing.
      Amount is varied by fill_ratio, except for acacia trees where
      we reduce the scale, so that acacia logs show up near places with
      acacia trees consistently.
      Mushrooms are placed optionally on each log. We can't place
      two different mushrooms on a log, so instead we opt to place
      brown mushrooms on oak/appletree logs, brown mushrooms on
      jungletree logs, and red mushrooms on pine logs. No mushrooms
      are placed on acacia logs, as they occur in a dry biome,
      savannah, and this adds a bit of biome diversity.
  17. Jan 06, 2016